On a radio program, Michele Lentz of the Minnesota Child Protection League said that her group is not anti-LGBT. Despite that claim, however, most of the group’s activities in the 16 months since it was founded have been targeting the LGBT community.
“That’s the way the other side likes to portray us, you know. In fact they portray us as the anti-LGBT Child Protection League,” Lentz told KTLK’s Up and at ‘Em with Jack and Ben on October 1. Lentz and the co-hosts were talking about criticism that the group’s full-page ad in the Star Tribune was transphobic. That ad, which was placed in opposition to a transgender-inclusive athletic policy being considered by the Minnesota State High School League, said, “A male wants to shower next to your 14 year old daughter. Are you okay with that?”
Lentz continued, “They don’t refer to us as the anti-child trafficking protection league. They don’t refer to us as the child anti-child exploitation protection league, which if you go to our website is clear we are involved in these issues.”
She added, “My organization doesn’t take a position on LGBT. We talk about policies that affect children, this policy is unsafe
The Minnesota Child Protection League, and it’s political arm, CPL Action, have only been around since the summer of 2013, yet the anti-LGBT rhetoric has been profuse. The group does have information about human trafficking and child exploitation on its website, but its unclear what the group has done on those issues.
The group’s two highest profile efforts have been an attempt to stop an LGBT-inclusive anti-bullying law, and an attempt to stop a transgender-inclusive high school athletics policy.
In fact, email alerts from the group between April and October 2014 either had to do with LGBT issues or with the group’s fundraising.
The group’s website features news clips that are disparaging to the LGBT community including:
“How Christian kids should deal with ‘LGBT’ peers”; “Truth: Transgender Tyranny”; “Gender-Confusion and Revolution”; “Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement”; and “12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children.”
The group’s own materials paint being LGBT as a health risk:
Values and attitudes about human sexuality will be transformed by means of “inclusive curriculum” (HF 826, line 11.19). This is authorized language for teaching about and including all sexual lifestyles in every classroom subject. When it comes to human sexuality, “inclusive” means normalizing anal sex and presenting it as equivalent to vaginal intercourse. It is not possible to “normalize” all types of sexual behavior without misleading children to think they are equally safe. This is an extreme health risk to any student who is led to experiment with this high-risk behavior.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, men who have sex with men (MSM) are over 44 times more likely than other men to contract HIV, and 94 to 95 percent of HIV cases among boys and young men are linked to homosexual sex.
MNCPL published an entire dossier by Barb Anderson, where an
While homosexuals have repeatedly demanded tolerance for themselves, they never extended it to others, and now their demands are increasing. Children are being taught that they must not just tolerate and accept homosexuality; they must support, admire, and appreciate all sexually deviant behavior…
Without parental knowledge or consent, children are being indoctrinated to affirm immoral lifestyles. What was once considered to be sinful and disordered homosexual behavior just a couple of decades ago, is now being taught to school-age children as equivalent to natural sexual intercourse…
Homosexual activists are bent on redefining the family. This institution is viewed as a barrier to the social engineering they hope to accomplish. To accomplish this, beguiling storybooks for children are used in the classroom to indoctrinate kids as young as kindergarten that any family arrangement is good…
A few years ago at a school event in Roseville, gay-identified students were honored by having their photos framed and their “coming out” stories put on display…
By encouraging children to take on a “gay” identity, they are forcing early identification with a lifestyle that has dangerous health risks. Note: there is no encouragement for students to come out of homosexuality and seek a healthy sexual identity…
The group complained that LGBT people were members of a safe schools oversight council, and then broadcast the sexual orientation and gender identity of LGBT youth on the council without their permission. Many of those youth were not publicly out.
The group’s spokesperson, Barb Anderson, spoke at a Tea Party group last fall claiming that Gay-Straight Alliances harm students:
When HF 268 says foster student collaborations, the governor’s task force makes it clear that these are Gay-Straight Alliances, homosexual clubs for kids. Students are encouraged to experiment, to discover their sexual orientation, and students are trained to be political activists and to be lobbyists down at the capitol for gay rights. Gay clubs are already in many middle schools and high schools. They are in ours and now they are looking to move these down into the elementary classrooms. Confidentiality is the rule then children become disconnected from their parents.”
Then she insinuates that the GSAs are tools for gay men to prey on children.
“[The GSAs] connect kids with a gay drop-in center called District 202 down in Minneapolis. It’s just a name, not a school district. Here boys, young boys, are paired up with adult homosexuals to be their mentors. Any red flags here? This is endangering the lives of vulnerable children. These could be children in your neighborhood your schools.”
The group’s most recent fundraiser featured anti-LGBT activist Matt Barber. Here he is in his own words:
The group’s Facebook page is a good example of its anti-LGBT stance:
They’re making some gay class activities mandatory
Conservative Christians still kvetching about safe schools bill
On Anoka Hennepin’s anti-bullying policies:
Accused Harvey Milk of being a child predator:
Child Molestation and the Homosexual movement:
LGBT publications promote sex with children:
Said that being LGBT is an “unhealthy lifestyle”:
As for the group’s work on child trafficking, the group doesn’t appear to have written anything except for an introductory page and a slew of links to news articles on its Facebook page. It hasn’t hosted any events or group presentations, taken out any full-page ads, or given media interviews about the issue.
Michele Lentz did speak at the Iowa Preventing Abuse conference (which was put on by conservative evangelicals), but according to conference materials (PDF), that speech was anti-LGBT:
Michele Lentz, State Coordinator for Child Protection League Action. 94-95% of full blown AIDS among boys and young men occurs from gay sex. SIECUS (Sexuality, Information, and Education Council of the United States) approves sex education curriculum. Minnesota (among other states) bullying laws call for comprehensive and inclusive sex education in grades K-12. Action: Work to strengthen state obscenity laws, know content of state bullying laws.
[…] The group has largely focused on defeating an anti-bullying bill and policies supportive of transgender athletes. The Column’s Andy Birkey reported in Anti-LGBT Child Protection League says it isn’t anti-LGBT: […]
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