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The National: The Feds Attack Housing Discrimination


It looks like a victory from the Obama administration – the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development is issuing guidelines in an attempt to fight anti-LGBT discrimination in its programs. The evidence is clear, as HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan says, that housing discrimination is a problem nationally. But what will the impact be?

The National Center for Transgender Equality recently ran a study of 6,500 trans people and found, among other things, that:

Only 32% of our sample reported home ownership compared to 68% of the general population;
19% report being denied an apartment or home because they are transgender;
19% have become homeless at some point in their lives.


California – The federal Department of Health and Human Services issues its first-ever grant to an LGBT aging services group, based in Los Angeles. From SAGE, the LGBT aging advocacy group.

“This grant award is a major breakthrough for the LGBT older adult community,” said Michael Adams, Executive Director of SAGE. “For many years, the LGBT community’s programs for our elders have been ignored and shut out by federal funders,” said Adams. “We are very pleased to see the Obama Administration right that wrong as a matter of policy and take an important step forward in recognizing the needs of LGBT older adults,” continued Adams. Adams pointed out that the federal government is the largest funder of senior services in the country. “LGBT older adults make up a significant portion of this country’s senior population – it should be a matter of public policy that they receive appropriate support.”

D.C. – The HRC is keeping a low-profile on yet another anti-discrimination measure, this one aimed at withholding federal dollars from any state that does not allow LGBTQ adoption. Yes, they say they want a bill targeting anti-LGBTQ discrimination to be seen as “not an LGBT issue.”

NYC – An appeals court rules that by demanding a doctor’s or psychologist’s endorsement of your name change if you’re trans, judges were unfairly discriminating. (NYT)

D.C. – 9 members of the House of Representatives think it’s a bad thing to provide a “payer of last resort” to folks infected with HIV, but who are too poor to pay for drugs or other potentially life-saving care. The rest of the House and Senate beg to differ. Speaking of life-saving care, there’s news that some drugs may help the immune system drastically reduce the amount of HIV virus in the body, effectively preventing the onset of AIDS. (Advocate)

Maine – Opponents of same-gender marriage in Maine admit they lied in suggesting “homosexuality will be taught in public schools” with a TV ad earlier this year. (Box Turtle Bulletin)

Maryland – CDC: contrary to popular belief, men “on the down-low” are not responsible for the rising rates of HIV infection among African-American women. (Box Turtle Bulletin)

Maryland – Following pressure from congress ,the Navy is punishing the commanding officer responsible for almost 100 serious hazing incidents at a base in Bahrain, which left at least one gay servicemember with post-traumatic stress disorder. (Boston Globe)