Home blog The National: Australian Family Values Politician Busted Leaving Bathhouse

The National: Australian Family Values Politician Busted Leaving Bathhouse


MP David Campbell (Photo:Towleroad)
After being filmed leaving one of Sydney’s most popular gay bathhouses by a television news crew, Australian Labor MP David Campbell resigned his ministerial position as Minister of Roads and Transport. Campbell, who is married with two children, had previously campaigned as a “strong family man,” although it’s not clear if this family values-style campaigning translated into anti-LGBT actions while in office.


D.C. – As expected, Rep. Ike Skelton (D-GA), chair of the House Armed Services Committee, quashed attempts to add or debate DADT repeal to this year’s defense budget. Activists continue looking to the Senate, where Armed Services Committee Chair Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) has said he is “very close” to securing enough votes in his committee to add DADT to the Senate’s version of the budget bill. Meanwhile, activists are preparing for Saturday’s Harvey Milk Day marches, and hitting out at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for saying ENDA is not ready for a vote yet, when they believe the bill has enough support to pass. (The Washington Blade, The Bilerico Project)

Illinois – Financial monkey-business is alleged at a gay health center in Chicago. (The Advocate)

Michigan – Transgender woman gunned down in a Milwaukee street by a man who had offered her $20 to perform a sex act on him. (EDGE)

Malawi – Malawi couple given the maximum sentence for homosexuality, 14 years of hard labor. (The Advocate)