Home blog The National: German Sex Abuse Scandal Tarnishes The Pope

The National: German Sex Abuse Scandal Tarnishes The Pope


Pope Benedict XVI (Source: Wikimedia / Russian Presidential Press and Information Office
A child abuse scandal of Bostonian proportions has slowly been exploding in the German media over the last several weeks, and has finally personally touched Pope Benedict XVI. Allegations of priestly abuse and Church cover-ups have been investigated by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, but on Friday, a papal spokesman agreed that there were “serious problems” in the way a high-profile abuse case from 1982 was handled, when the Pope was Archbishop of Munich. A senior member of Benedict’s staff in the Archdiocese of Munich has taken the blame for approving the return of an unnamed priest to ministry several times after abusing multiple children in multiple instances. Despite the evidence implicating Benedict – one long-time observer of the Church is quoted in the Times calling the Pope a “micromanager” who would have required such instances be brought to his attention – the Vatican is denying any papal responsibility in the case, suggesting instead that a conspiracy to defame or even topple the Pope is afoot.

Before his election as Pope, Benedict was head of the Vatican office investigating priestly sex abuse. When Boston’s scandal broke in 2002, the Times writes, Benedict was one of many Vatican officials who accused the press of blowing the issue out of proportion. Andrew Sullivan points out that this pattern – preferring to protect the clergy instead of children – is nothing new:

But what staggers me is once again the immediate, visceral circling of the wagons – when what is being revealed – again! – is a pattern of criminal abuse, aided and abetted by a powerful elite, led by the Pope himself. If this were a secular institution, the police would move in and shut it down.


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