Janet Boynes claims that popular culture is “spreading the filth that homosexuality is not only relevant for today but these men and women were born that way, and that’s not so.”
Janet Boynes is the head of her own ministry, Janet Boynes Ministries, based out of Maple Grove, Minn., according to the ministry’s latest tax filing. She appeared on the Steve Deace Show last week which was captured by PFAW’s Right Wing Watch.
“There’s a spiritual conflict that is waging war around all of us and it’s a battle between forces, you’ve got good and evil and you’ve got light and darkness,” Boynes said. “You have to believe that it’s affecting my generation, it’s affecting our future and it’s affecting everybody all around the world whether you believe in same-sex marriage, homosexuality or you don’t believe in it.”
“The enemy knows who we are and that we all are destined to greatness, and I pose a threat, those of us who have left this life and have walked out successfully – for me it’s been sixteen years – I pose a threat to his game plan so I always say the devil should’ve killed me when he had the chance and I’m a force to be reckoned with.”
“However, it doesn’t make it easy for those of us who left that life, because we have people like Ellen DeGeneres – who I love, and watch her show – Anderson Cooper, Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon, now Robin Roberts. All great journalists, but using their platform to change a culture. … You know all these large TV shows, you got Oprah, they’re all spreading the filth that homosexuality is not only relevant for today but these men and women were born that way, and that’s not so,” she added.
Boynes has been very active in Minnesota’s “ex-gay” groups. She’s written a bill that was promoted by Rep. Michele Bachmann’s counseling clinic. She organized a conference last year to “minister to women affected by lesbianism and same-sex attractions.”
Janet Boynes Ministries includes some notable figures including Barb Anderson, who has been a researcher for the Minnesota Family Council and helped found the Parents Action League in the Anoka-Hennepin School District. PAL has been labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Also on the board is Nancy LaRoche, a Republican activist who is Chair of the Fifth Congressional District Republican Party.
Boynes has been doing the conservative Christian circuit, including an interview with the Christian Post about her new role as speaker at the Una Voz (One Voice) convention for Latino pastors in San Diego later this spring.
She said that no LGBT person can be a true Christian:
However, to honestly believe oneself to be gay and to be living in or presumptuously practicing a homosexual lifestyle, the answer is no, a true born again believer cannot be a gay Christian. To claim to be a gay Christian as opposed to one who struggles, would be equivalent to someone claiming to be a Christian Muslim or a Christian Satanist, it’s oxymoronic. Two conflicting identities cannot cohabit as one agreeable identity; that is schizophrenia. It is God’s will that His born-again children be pure from sexual sin, and anyone who rejects this truth rejects God.
Her hypocrisy is nauseating. She bloviates about being “ex-gay” which most know to mean “bi-sexual but unwilling to admit it” She is always demanding respect and recognition for “her” claimed sexual orientation all the while dismissing, disrespecting and denying other people’s sexual orientation. I have no doubt most if not all the rhetoric she peddles is for shock value and ching. Sadly hate sells these days and she’s laughing all the way to the bank.
It’s interesting that she frames homosexuality as a religion – Christian Muslim; Christian Satanist; and Christian Gay…and yet at the same time she calls it a lifestyle…so if gay=lifestyle and gay=religion then religion=lifestyle soooo christian=lifestyle and since lifestyles don’t get any protection under the constitution then Christianity (since it is a lifestyle) should not get any protections…it’s all nonsense…and her thought process is nonsense. Not to mention the fact that from a christian theological perspective what she is really talking about is rejection of two important things – 1. Judgement is reserved for God alone and 2. she bastardizes the message of grace and therefore nullifies the whole act of the Crucifixion and Resurrection….and that isn’t my opinion but the opinion of many theologians – that the fundamentalist viewpoint in Christianity is bastardization of the work of Jesus and the character of God..
The headline cracked me up–like there are other Minnesota “ex-lesbians” with whom she is competing!
As painful as this crap can be for the vulnerable among us in LGBT communities, Boynes gives even the most conservative Christian parents the perfect reason to hug *all* of their kids today and remind them they are not filth.
She looks like the person who frequently guarded Michele Bachmann during campaign appearances to keep her safe from folks like me. Could it be the same person?
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