Muffins: Have you ever felt a little overwhelmed with the abundance of our recreational opportunities each week. I am amazed at the sheer number of events, parties and causes flooding my in boxes each day. If you have an event that you would like to be considered for inclusion in the WPP please send me the details (and a pic if you want) at I will do my best to help spread the word.
We all have a role in the arts. What is yours? Stand up and be counted by taking a moment to complete the survey telling the story of Minnesota Art.
Art is a horrible thing to waste!
I don’t direct to the Saloon very often – not for any particular reason – but this weekend, beginning tonight, it is the top pick! Flashback Friday kicks it off and the annual employee drag show tops it off on Sunday. all the details can be found on their website.
Film Screening: Fish Out of Water
Saturday, March 19 · 3:00pm – 5:00pm
Please Join us for an afternoon screening of this great film that combines animation with personal accounts to explain the relationship between discrimination, religion and the bible. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion with: Pastor Jen Nagel (Salem Lutheran Church), Rev. James Pennington (Spirit of the Lakes), Elder David Cummer (Grace Trinity Community Church), and Joe Towns (Join the Impact – Twin Cities)
This event is co-sponsored by Minnesota Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Alliance (MUUSJA)
Members of Join the Impact – Twin Cities first saw the film “Fish Out of Water” at the Unite + Fight Midwest Equality Conference in Chicago. Now we want to share the film with you…
This film puts the Bible in its historical context and helps to teach that we must be the change we want to see in our own institutions.
There is still time to enter the 2011 Rainbow Health Initiative Photo Contest.
In order to combat the often negative and unhealthy images portrayed in society of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
individuals and families, Rainbow Health Initiative developed a statewide Photo Contest. The winning images will be used in a variety of media and marketing to portray healthy LGBTQ lifestyles in Minnesota.
There are many in our community who have from time to time looked at their relationship with alcohol and substance use. There are many different types of support available for people seeking it. GLBT in Recovery is one website that helps direct people to resources is
(Bi)Sexuality 101
St. Paul Student Center, MN Commons Room
(Bi)Sexuality 101 offers attendees an opportunity to explore an often-overlooked segment of the larger GLBTA community: people who identify as bi- and/or multisexual and those with fluid sexual identities.
Participants discuss myths and stereotypes of bisexuals and learn how bi communities often face bias and misunderstanding, both from heterosexual and from gay & lesbian communities.
Participants are encouraged to think critically about gender and sexuality, and will leave with next steps they can take to help make our campus and communities more welcoming and affirming for everyone.
Free and open to the public.
Free food and educational materials will be provided.
For more information, please contact Ross Neely at
MN AIDS Project
AskMe Online Peer Educator Orientation
Does being a certified online representative of PrideAlive sound cool? Wanna be the “go to guy” within your circle to help spread the word about risk behavior? Are you already the friend that answers questions about safersex, HIV, and a whole slew of other assortments of gay-boy stuffs? …Looking to volunteer while not leaving your laptop?
If so, hit us up! This training on Thursday, March 24th, will equip you with the skills to be an online peer educator and get you on your way to helping your fellow gays in a short & fun two hour session! Oh, and the monthly trainings are easy, and it’s something you can do at your leisure.
Don’t miss this awesome opportunity!
wUNDERbar – an 18+ party!
Best thing since sliced bread?
$3.00 cover includes free coat check (18-21)
21+ – no cover
“Once Upon A Time…A Fairytale HI”
$20 Dinner & Show – 5:30 pm
(choice of beef Lasagna or Chicken/Spinach Lasagna with garlic toast and salad.)
$10 Show Only – 630pm
Cordially Invite You To Their
Creative Fairy / Formal / Costume attire admired, but not required!
Prizes for best costume, fairy wings, and door prizes.
Tickets will be on sale March 1, 2011. To insure enough dinners for everyone, the event dinner would be best to be purchased in advance.
On The Horizon (OTH)
Olé! Olé! Olé! Sexy, Sassy with a Hint of Salsa!