In Fargo, 1,500 people have already joined the counter-protest on Facebook at attendees are being asked to remain peaceful. That event will take place on Sunday, Feb. 20.
The Hastings counter-protest is planned for Sunday, Feb. 13 from 1 to 4pm.
Here’s the Westboro Baptist Church schedule and its comment about each protest:
Hastings High School in Hastings, MN February 13, 2011 1:15 PM – 2:00 PM
WBC to picket yet another showing of The Laramie Project. A fag propaganda play about Matt Shepard. He has been in hell for 12 years now. Judy Shepard raised her son to be a disobedient drug using pervert, and God cut that child off. His blood is on her hands! From that day to this Judy Shepard has spent all her resources on teaching the young people of this nation the same rebellion that caused God to cut off her own son – and makes a hefty profit off of it! Shame on her for making money off of a child who is dead at her hands! Run from the lies told in this play – your never dying soul depends upon it! You will join Matt in hell if you follow/believe in these lies. Your destruction is imminent! Obey or Perish!
Fargo South High School in Fargo , ND February 20, 2011 6:45 PM – 7:30 PM
WBC to picket The Laramie Project, a fag propaganda play about Matt Shepard. He has been in hell now for twelve years, with eternity left to go on his sentence – without appeal, parole, or time off for good behavior. All else about Matt is trivial and irrelevant. Deal with it! What do you think is going to happen when you go out trolling for drugs in a bar? The youth of this nation are being taught the same rebellion that Matt was taught at the hands of all that are involved in raising them. The blood of this nation’s children is dripping from the hands of the parents, preachers, leaders, and teachers of this nation. We will be there to give them God’s word on the matter. Obey or Perish!
Aren’t they so cute and delightful. Wow such hate. Them again hugh, when will they ever just leave people alone. Even the haters hate the Westboro Baptist church because they hate too much.
Crazy extremist groups. Sometimes I feel they are a conspiracy to get people to come to terms that homosexuality isn’t nearly as evil, or not at all evil, as the group says it is.
I have a funny feeling I am going to be face to face with that group someday. I will just giggle a little and imagine they are cute little bunnies. Yuck, what disgust to put Mathew into this. so sad.
The westboro babtist is not a “church”, it is a hate group. They are in it for the money and the press. Most of the members of this “church” are attorneys, so they get away with this. Any one can say they are a “church”, that is not going to make you a Church! This is not about freedom, it is about being human. There hate is a way for them to make money, by bringing a Lawsuit against people THEY have provoked. They are running a “church” scam. But, add a bit of crazy on the side just for show.
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