“We are deeply saddened by the murder of Krissy Bates,” OutFront Minnesota Anti-Violence Program Director Rebecca Waggoner said in a statement. “But we are heartened that the city’s police department, through their tireless commitment to community safety, took
quick action to solve the crime and arrest a suspect. Where violence occurs, justice must follow.”
Waggoner says that LGBT relationships have the same rate of domestic violence as heterosexual relationships — about 1 in 4.
“Regardless of whether the violence that affects our community comes at the hands of an intimate partner or a total stranger, it’s a reminder that safety is one of the primary concerns of LGBT community members,” said Outfront’s executive director Monica Meyer.
OutFront is planning a vigil for Bates on Jan. 21 at MCTC.
“Each and every victim of violence deserves to be honored and supported as they seek justice, no matter who they are, no exceptions. This vigil is our way of honoring a life cut tragically short as a result of domestic violence.” Waggoner added.
Glad they got them.
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