Oklahoma, California – LGBT candidates advance in local primary elections across the country. In particular, we’ll probably be seeing a lot more of Oklahoma City attorney Brittany Novotny: she’s running against Oklahoma state Representative (and right-wing darling) Sally Kern, who’s probably most famous for calling gays “the biggest threat” to national security. (Bay Area Reporter, Just Out)
California – Mormon church fined for $37,000 in undisclosed donations to the Prop 8 campaign. (EDGE)
California – The National Organization for Marriage ordered to disclose its donor list. (EDGE)
D.C. – Rep. Ike Skelton (D-MO), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, doesn’t want DADT repealed so children don’t have to learn about teh gays. (Rachel Maddow, via Joe.My.God)
D.C. – Surgery is no longer required to change your gender on your passport! (The Washington Post)
D.C. – Why we should pass ENDA. Discrimination is very, very real. (MetroWeekly)
D.C. – Despite sometimes being labeled as not part of the gay community, trans folks are often at the forefront of many fights for community civil rights. (The Advocate)
D.C. – The Obama administration still hates progress through the courts – this time, on DADT. (AmericaBlog)