D.C. – The see-saw of DADT news continues: via Kerry Eleveld of The Advocate comes word that Senator Carl Levin (D-MI), Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, says he is “very close” to winning the last few votes needed to attach the repeal bill to this year’s defense budget bill, making a repeal all but certain, given the widespread support repeal enjoys in the House of Representatives. Meanwhile, the Democratic candidate for one of Illinois’ Senate seats has launched a petition drive to urge a repeal of DADT. a (The Advocate, Towleroad)
D.C. – The Department of Energy has dropped a “proud homophobe” from their scientific advisory committee on the Deepwater Horizon spill after his anti-gay writings came to light yesterday. (Towleroad)
D.C. – Anti-gay, “family values” GOP Representative quits after admitting to having an affair with a staffer. (AmericaBlog)
Michigan, Dept. of Heroics – A gay illegal immigrant from Iran is risking his life by staging a sit-in with three fellow undocumented youth to call attention to the federal Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act), a draft bill that would give undocumented youth who entered the country before age 16 and who’ve lived here for five or more years a path to citizenship if they attend at least two years of college, a graduate education program, or military service. The bill currently has 38 co-sponsors in the Senate. Mohammad Abdollahi of Ann Arbor, MI, and his fellow demonstrators are using Twitter and their website to build support for their sit-in at the Arizona offices of Senator John McCain. However, if Abdollahi is deported, he could be arrested and executed in Iran. (The Michigan Messenger )
The UK – Charges are dropped against the homophobic street preacher arrested for spreading “hatred” after a prominent UK LGBT activist offered to testify on behalf of the preacher and on freedom of speech. (EDGE)
Teh Interwebs – Daniel Radcliffe is not only hot and cute, but also quite cool. His most recent PSA for The Trevor Project, a suicide-prevention hotline for LGBT youth: