D.C. – Speaking of the DC Agenda, they’ll soon return to their old name, The Washington Blade. (The Washington Post)
D.C. – EDGE wonders if the Tea Party and the GOP are leaving social conservatism behind in their -er- “anti-tax fight.” Color me skeptical, when one of their biggest leaders is Michelle Bachmann, who rose to national office on the back of a 2005 attempt to pass a constitutional amendment in Minnesota banning same-gender marriage. (EDGE Online)
California – After decades of ignoring the law, the California State Assembly voted to repeal a statute calling for money to be appropriated to find a cure for homosexuality. (The Advocate)
California – Trans student slashed at Cal State Long Beach. (Towleroad)
Teh Interwebs – Why so few LGBT leaders of color? A call to get involved from Pam’s House Blend and GetEqual activist C.D. Kirven. (Pam’s House Blend)
Poland – Anti-gay, possibly-gay twin of dead Polish President Lech Kaczynski plans to run for his brother’s office. (The Advocate)
Russia – Vlad and Dimitri sitting in a tree? Nyet says Putin, but what about their matchy skiing outfits? They’d make such a cute couple if their police officers didn’t have a habit of standing by while skinheads beat up gay rights activists, or shutting down Pride events altogether. (Towleroad, GayRussia.ru, BBC)
Iraq – European countries are deporting gay Iraqi assylum seekers, in full knowledge that many gay Iraqis are being targeted for murder by sectarian gangs because of their sexuality. (The Advocate)