D.C. – House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer says the House is ready for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and that the law is “less controversial” than it was in 2007, when the bill failed despite the stripping of protections for transgender Americans in an attempt to make it more palatable to lawmakers. Meanwhile, Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) says he’s been working closely with House leadership in recent weeks and says most issues (except the restroom/locker room issue) have been worked out. Now, Frank says, each LGBT American has to help it pass, by calling up and personally writing their Representatives and Senators, and making sure they will support the measure. (The Advocate, LGBT POV)
D.C. – The Senate has passed a resolution condemning Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill by unanimous consent. So far, Sen. Amy Klobuchar hasn’t commented on her vote. (HRC Backstory)
Montana – In the city of Missoula, Montana, it’s now illegal to discriminate against LGBT people in employment or housing. Crazy, huh? You mean, crazy cool! (Joe.My.God)
Utah – Utah Episcopalians nominate an openly gay priest for bishop. (The Christian Post)
Teh Internets – Grindr’s new terms of service – for Puritans. (Towleroad)
Rome – So far, priestly pedophilia is the fault of Gays and Jews. Who’s next? (Joe.My.God, BBC News)