“If somebody is lesbian or gay, our arms are open to all these individuals,” El Paso County party chairman Danny Anchondo told the El Paso Times. “All these people are part of the party, so I don’t understand why someone would be using those terms to attack somebody.” “If somebody is lesbian or gay, our arms are open to all these individuals,” El Paso County party chairman Danny Anchondo told the El Paso Times. “All these people are part of the party, so I don’t understand why someone would be using those terms to attack somebody.”
Apparently, the attacks are in response to other attacks from Gonzalez on her enthusiasm for motorcycles. Chavez defends her tactics by saying if same-gender marriage came up for a vote in the state legislature, a representative’s sexuality would influence their decision. And who says “gay” isn’t used as a slur anymore?
D.C. – Senator John McCain is a Guy With an iPhone. Just don’t expect to see any naked pictures of the Senator on Guys With iPhones: his office is denying the old goat put the picture up, and says someone stole it from McCain’s twitter feed. (Joe.My.God, TMZ)
D.C. – Big-name general comes out in support of ending DADT (Joe.My.God)
D.C. – The HRC fires the head of their communications staff, and his deputy resigns shortly thereafter. A response to the HRC’s poor handling of the Choi/Griffin DADT protest last month? (DC Agenda)
California – Lawmakers are trying to remove an old and long-forgotten law requiring health experts to find a cure for homosexuality. (The Advocate)
Pennsylvania – So now you have to specify your gender on your Philadelphia transit pass, and SEPTA employees have been using this to harass trans riders, and to take away their transit passes. (The Daily Pennsylvanian)
New York – Rufus Wainwright wants to get married. Awww. (Towleroad)
Iraq – It’s still the most dangerous place for gays, and the UK government isn’t granting asylum to gay Iraqis – is it because they’re ill-informed, or are gay Iraqis falling victim to the need to declare “Mission Accomplished?” (San Diego Gay and Lesbian News)
Teh Internets – Part One of a YouTube documentary about transgender servicemembers from the Revolution to today. (The Bilerico Project)