The DOJ’s brief (and recent protests?) seems to have brought the Human Rights Campaign to its senses, though: in response, they issued a statement calling on Obama to fulfill his State of the Union promise by leading the charge on DADT repeal, marking a departure from their usual habit of making excuses for the Administration. But, as Towleroad asks, is this pressure too little, too late?
D.C. – A second LGBT legislator has come forward saying the Employment Non-Discrimination Act will pass very soon. Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) told Karen Ocamb that it’s only a matter of scheduling a vote. (LGBTPOV, via Joe.My.God)
D.C. – A happless RNC staffer is axed for expensing the $2,000 night at West Hollywood’s “lesbian” bondage nightclub Voyeur. The event was part of an effort to entertain younger donors. So far, there are no indications that Liz Cheney was in attendance. Bonus: according to the Daily Beast, both Dems and GOPers have about the same amount of sex scandals, but while Dems like the young women, Republican politicians seem to have problems around young men. (The Advocate, the Daily Beast)
Iowa – Today marks the one-year anniversary of Iowa’s heretofore most successful attempt to be better than Minnesota. (The Advocate)
New York – Did Ricky Martin’s boyfriend threaten to out him? (Towleroad)
New York – Super-Catholic Bill Donahue takes out a quarter-page ad in the New York Times claiming 80% of the priests who sexually abuse children are gay, then goes on Larry King Live to debate Sinead O’Connor on the latest round of pedophilia scandals facing the Catholic Church. (Towleroad)
Michigan – Gay campground near Saugatuk hit with “fags don’t belong” graffiti. (Towleroad)