So now that the biggest, bitterest fight in Washington D.C. is no longer taking up most of Congress’s attention, will this bittersweet victory produce the progress on Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and the Employment Non-Discrimination Act that the community has been clamoring for since Day One of the Obama administration? The answer is a solid Maybe.
Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), a leader in the House LGBT Equality Caucus along with Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), says she’s counted the votes on ENDA and DADT repeal, and believes both pieces of legislation would pass if Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid let either one come to a floor vote. But in response to a sit-in at her office last week to protest the lack of meaningful progress on either issue, Pelosi’s spokesperson said, in essence, that she didn’t want to touch the issue, for fear of being burned beyond the damage done by fallout from the health care reform vote. “The Speaker believes passing ENDA is a top priority and hopes that we can bring ENDA up as soon as possible. That being said, the right time to bring the measure to the floor will be when we have the votes.”
D.C. – Quiz: What did Michele Bachmann’s tea party goons do in their final protests against healthcare reform? a) threaten gun violence, b) call black members of congress “n*****,” c) call a gay member of congress “faggot,” or d) all of the above? (Joe.My.God, McClatchey Newspapers)
D.C. – The Human Rights Campaign didn’t just play turtle last week as Lt. Dan Choi handcuffed himself to the White House fence and GetEQUAL protesters conducted sit-ins in Nancy Pelosi’s office. They actually put their building into lockdown, fearing a sit-in or other public embarrassment. (Choi, for his part, says he’s not finished putting very public pressure on the administration and the HRC to get DADT repealed) (AmericaBlog, Metro Weekly)
D.C. – Lambda Legal is on the warpath, suing New Jersey for marriage equality and the highest-ranking LGBT member of the Obama administration for anti-gay discrimination. (AmericaBlog, Towleroad)
Virginia – Ken Cuccinelli, the state Attorney General, is apparently a little rusty on his constitutional law. He thinks Lawrence v. Texas (the US Supreme Court decision striking down sodomy laws) does not apply to Virginia. Yes, Virginia’s been special lately…just not that kind of special. (The Bilerico Project)
The Vatican – Pope Benedict XVI has apologized to Irish Catholics over the Irish sex abuse scandal, and called on child-abusing priests to submit to the Irish courts, but there’s no sign of demands for the resignation of Sean Cardinal Brady, head of the Irish Catholic Church, or any restructuring that might prevent child sex abuse in the future. Sorry isn’t good enough, say victims. (BBC, NY Times)
Showbiz – Lady Gaga’s in legal trouble, a Mexican diva appologizes for saying she’d rather her son die than be adopted by a same-gender couple (she’ll sing at a gay disco club by way of penance), and the Scissors Sisters have a new single! (The Advocate, Joe.My.God)