In related news, the Pentagon yesterday took the first steps towards allowing women to serve on board US Navy submarines, reversing decades-long policy that said the close quarters on board would prohibit men and women serving together. Makes the ban on LGBTs seem kinda hypocritical, don’t it?
West Virginia – The West Virginia House shoots down a proposed constitutional amendment trying to ban same-gender marriage. Doesn’t mean they’ve become suddenly more liberal or LGBT-friendly: there’s nothing stopping a landlord or homeowner from refusing to sell/rent to you on the basis of your sexuality or gender identity, as these two women found out the hard way. (AmericaBlog, The Box Turtle Bulletin)
California – Yet another homophobic, bible-mis-reading beauty queen from the Los Angeles area. This one wants to kill us, though. I wonder what the cops would find digging in her backyard? (Towleroad)
D.C. – What’s it like being gay, conservative, and trying to challenge the religious right’s dominance of the GOP? For one thing, you have to deal with him every day. (DC Agenda, MetroWeekly, AmericaBlog, Joe.My.God)
D.C. – LGBT immigration rights bill gains a powerful co-sponsor. (The Advocate)
Maryland – According to the state’s Attorney General, the state can recognize same-gender marriages performed in other states and Washington D.C, putting the entire state on a slippery slope towards recognizing turtle-man marriage, and hell. (DC Agenda)
Uganda, Malawi – Just so you know, this bill hasn’t gone away. A gay man just died in Ugandan police custoy, and the supreme court of Malawi disagreed that the trial of a transwoman and a man who tried to get married violates their right to privacy. (The Box Turtle Bulletin)