The American Prayer House will take place Thursday morning to shed light on Uganda’s so-called “kill gays” bill that has ties to the American evangelical community. Minneapolis’ Plymouth Congregational Church will hold a prayer breakfast on Thursday at 7:30 am as part of the event.
From the national event organizers:
We are about to embark on a historic mission to stop persecution of LGBT people in Uganda and we want you to be a key part of our vision.
On February 4th, we are launching The American Prayer Hour. It is a multi-city affirmation of inclusive values and a celebration of diversity. It is also an action to protest the sponsors of The National Prayer Breakfast, which will take place on February 4 in Washington, DC.
While The National Prayer Breakfast is ostensibly a benign event, it is hosted by a secretive fundamentalist organization, The Family, which is directly tied to the draconian “Kill the Gays” bill in Uganda. We strongly urge those invited to the National Prayer Breakfast to reconsider attending the event. Instead, they can join us at our American Prayer Hour.
Organizations supporting the event include:
Religion and Faith Program of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, the National Black Justice Coalition, Americans United for Separation of Church & State, the Religion, Faith and Values Program at the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), National Religious Leadership Roundtable, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Truth Wins Out, PFLAG National, Metropolitan Community Churches, Full Equality Now DC, Faith in America, Other Sheep, Two Spirit Press Room, and Stonewall Democrats.
Here’s the Facebook page for the event.
And here are the event details:
Minneapolis, MN
Plymouth Congregational Church
Landmark Room
7:30 AM
1900 Nicollet Ave. (at Franklin Ave.)
Minneapolis MN 55403
Rev. Laurie Crelly
Richard LaFortune