Liv Hnilicka, a Minneapolis waitress, is getting noticed on Facebook for an interaction she had with parents at a restaurant she works at. Hnilcka, who is transgender, posted about a teaching moment she had with a young child and her parents.
The story went viral then got picked up by Cosmopolitan Magazine and NewNowNext:
Hnilicka told Cosmopolitan.com she wanted to post the story publicly for a multitude of reasons, one of which was that it was very different from the types of interactions she usually has with strangers.
“Just this morning I was waiting for the bus and this man walked by me and kept smiling at me and then finally said, ‘Cut that faggoty shit out.’ And I’m like, ‘I’m just in the world; I’m just waiting for the bus. It doesn’t have to be this big conflict.’ So yeah, this interaction was so out of the ordinary that I felt like I needed to run to the mountain top and shout it to the world. Clearly it’s resonated with people.”
Hnilicka says her eloquent response was not anything she’d rehearsed, but she has had enough negative interactions with families and children that she often thought about how she could one day have a conversation with a child that served as a teachable moment. “I also thought about myself as a child and the ways that I was or was not exposed to people I could identify with. Children are really just learning everything, so it’s important to use those moments,” Hnilicka said.
Update on 9/27/15: Hnilicka’s story has been picked up by news outlets around the world including People Magazine, ABC News, Yahoo Parenting, numerous local FOX affiliates, Paris Match, the Daily Mail, Perez Hilton, USA Today, and hundreds more.
[…] The Column this week, Andy Birkey shows us the viral Facebook post that made Minneapolis transgender waitress […]
Why are no journalists covering this story finding the family and interviewing them?
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