Home Arts Arts and Culture Calendar for July 16: Same Difference, Queer Horror on Stage, and Rochester Pridefest

Arts and Culture Calendar for July 16: Same Difference, Queer Horror on Stage, and Rochester Pridefest

Arts and Culture Calendar for July 16: Same Difference, Queer Horror on Stage, and Rochester Pridefest

[sws_yellow_box box_size=”100″]MN screening of the documentary “Same Difference” [/sws_yellow_box]


Same Difference is a feature length documentary that presents the lives of two real-life adolescent boys who identify as gay from a young age. The film demonstrates a schools’ responsibility in creating safe and inclusive environments. Through the use of interviews, data, home movies and past media coverage the film shows the different results between learning in a supportive school climate versus an oppressive school climate. Graeme Taylor grows up and goes to school in an affirming academic environment that allows him to thrive while contrasted with Justin Aaberg who unfortunately attends a school district with policies in place that were non-inclusive and many would say created a hostile environment for kids. Justin was just one of nine youth that took their lives while attending the Anoka-Hennepin School District between 2009-2011. The film also examines the current research on anti-bullying and offers solutions to handling gender and identity issues among adolescents within schools. Each screening will end with a panel discussion: Tammy and Shawn Aaberg (parents of Justin Aaberg), Katie MacDonald (close friend of Justin Aaberg), Jefferson Fietek (teacher who spoke out publicly against own school district’s policies after loosing a student to suicide) and Kyrstin Schuette (former student who was plaintiff in District 11 lawsuit).


Friday, July 17

$5 suggested donation (credit cards accepted)

First Congregational Church UCC, 1923 3rd Ave, Anoka, MN, 55303

There will be a silent auction to support the programs of Justin’s Gift at each screening (credit cards accepted)

If you would like to donate to the silent auction please
e-mail info@justinsgift.org

Twin Cities Pride and First Congregational UCC Anoka

[sws_blue_box box_size=”100″] Details
Date: Friday, July 17. Show times 6:30pm and 9:30pm
Location: First Congregational UCC of Anoka, 1923 3rd Ave, Anoka, Minnesota 55303
Admission: $5 suggested donation
For more information, visit Facebook[/sws_blue_box]

[sws_yellow_box box_size=”100″]Final Frontier Festival: Horror [/sws_yellow_box]

Last year, Gadfly Theatre Productions, an intersectional queer and feminist theatre and performing arts production company out of Minneapolis started an annual one-act geek fest fitting our mission. We started with a sci-fi theme, taking you to galaxies far away and post-apocalyptic worlds. Audiences loved it, and this year we’ve cleaned it up, streamlined it, and given it a spooky take with a one-act horror festival.We have six great shows by six great playwrights being directed by…you guessed it! Six great directors! Ghosts, gore, and glitter are all featured in at least one show, and we can’t wait to bring it to you this July at Nimbus Theater.
Tickets are available here: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/1756511

The six shows and further information are listed below:

Lace Curtain Irish
A Play by Carolyn Gage
Directed by Cassandra Cassandra Katy Snow
This one-woman show starring Gina Sauer is told from the point of view of Lizzie Borden’s maid during the gruesome 19th century Borden murders. Bridget Sullivan and Lizzie Borden’s relationship is unclear, but Borden herself has long been hailed as a secret lesbian icon. Famed playwright Gage imagines her as she most likely was–a rescuing butch trying to make it through life as a closeted queer woman, and imagines Bridget as she likely was–a woman struggling with PTSD and repressed memories, who may or may not have a guilty cross to bear.

Belong Dead
by Andrew Rosdail
Directed by Immanuel Elliott
Dr. Frankenstein made a monster. Later, the monster desired a mate. Now, it is the 21st century and both monster and bride struggle with their borrowed immortality and what we leave behind. This show is a feminist retelling of a woman created for a man, and the fragility of modern relationships. Starring Sarah Parker and Daniel Flohr.

by Eric LaRocca
Directed by Paul von Stoetzel
In the fourth quadrant of an unnamed country rampant with civil unrest the government has issued a mandate in which all civilians who openly identify as homosexual are ordered to work camps or executed. In an abandoned cellar and operating theatre of a well-known surgeon and biochemist who has since been executed a young woman crosses paths with a soldier of this regime. This show, starring Rob Ward and Hannah Stein, features a transgender character fighting for her right to exist.

by Darrin Hagen and Trevor Schmidt
Directed by Rye Gentleman
You’ll scream . . . with laughter. You’ll gasp . . . at the fabulous wigs. From the wickedly witty pens of Darrin Hagen and Trevor Schmidt, Dragula blends familiar elements of gothic thrillers with insightful commentary gender politics in a madcap comedy that will have you on the edge of your seat . . . with terror! Dragula’s feature cast includes Felix Felix Aguilar-Tomlinson, Shea Roberts, Kelly McKay and Ian Donahue

Gone by Cody Daigle
Directed by Eva Chava Curland
A young gay college student, Harris, played by Denzel Belin, witnesses something horrifying at his job at a porn video store: a man disappears into thin air. He soon discovers from his best friend, Jen, portrayed by Kira Pontiff, that people are “blinking” everywhere, and no one knows how to stop it. As Harris and Jen figure out what to do as the human race is slowly erased, a terrible secret that binds them together comes bubbling to the surface. They must cope with it, before one — or both — are gone.

Hell’s Bed ‘N’ Breakfast
A Staged Reading
by Kim Carney
Directed by Immanuel Elliott
A two-character comedy that tells the story of a queer couple who — while exploring old houses for a possible bed ‘n’ breakfast site — make a chilling and gruesome discovery. The show, which stars Hannah Jo Stein and Eva Chava Curland, brings subconscious fears about queerness and commitment to the surface. Festival Locations and Dates:The Final Frontier Festival: Horror, will be held at Nimbus Theatre July 10-12th and 17th-19th.

Each Friday night includes a post-show discussion about the Set featuring representatives from each show, and Saturday the 11th features a post-show reception for cast, crew, and donors alike.

Set A
7/10 7:30 PM
7/12 3:00 PM
7/18 7:30 PM
Belong Dead

Set B
7/11 7:30 PM
7/17 7:30 PM
7/19 3:00 PM
Lace Curtain Irish
Hell’s Bed and Breakfast

[sws_blue_box box_size=”100″] Details
Date: July 17, 18, 19
Location: nimbus theatre, 1517 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413
Admission: Varies
For more information, visit Facebook[/sws_blue_box]

[sws_yellow_box box_size=”100″]All Together, Now [/sws_yellow_box]

all together now


Friday, July 17, 2015
Rochester Civic Theatre
Performance at 9:30 pm
Screening from 10:30 – 11:30 pm

Never a Cover, 2015, Lauren Tabak and Susie Smith (San Francisco, CA)
Work of Art, 2012, Chris E. Vargas and Greg Youmans (Bellingham, WA)
The Infamous T, 2013, Melissa Koch, Grey Duck Pictures (Minneapolis, MN)

With live performance, A LESBIAN’S GUIDE TO SELF-CARE!!!, by Kat Marie Yoas (San Francisco, CA)

To learn more, visit http://www.rochesterartcenter.org/participate/community-events/

[sws_blue_box box_size=”100″] Details
Date: Friday, July 17 at 9:30pm
Location: The Rochester Civic Theatre, 20 Civic Center Dr SE, Rochester, Minnesota 55904
For more information, visit Facebook[/sws_blue_box]

[sws_yellow_box box_size=”100″]Pridefest Movie Night — “To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar” (PG-13) [/sws_yellow_box]


Doors open at 6:30pm. The movie starts at 7:00pm. It is rated PG-13, and is free for children and students. A $5 donation for adults is suggested.

[sws_blue_box box_size=”100″] Details
Date: Friday, July 17 at 6:30pm
Location: Peace United Church of Christ – Rochester, MN, 1503 2nd Ave NE, Rochester, Minnesota 55906
Admission: $5 suggest donation
For more information, visit Facebook[/sws_blue_box]

[sws_yellow_box box_size=”100″]When the East Meets the West [/sws_yellow_box]


When the East Meets the West is an event celebrating the Asian culture/influence that helped shape in the West.

Come to a great event with Dancers, Drag, Musicians, and Live Singers.

Admission is $5 and add another $5 for a Beer/Soda Bust!!

There will be drawings for prizes and Jello Shots!!!! $1 for 1 drawing tickets; $5 for 6 tickets, $10 for crotch to floor; or $20 for around the world/body. You’ll get to place your tickets in the box assign to the prize(s) you want to win!

This is a fundraising event for NSGRA – North Star Gay Rodeo AssociationRodeo on July 25 and 26, 2015.

[sws_blue_box box_size=”100″] Details
Date: Saturday, July 18 at 5pm
Location: The Saloon MN, 830 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403
Admission: $5 suggested donation
For more information, visit Facebook[/sws_blue_box]

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Andy Birkey has written for a number of Minnesota and national publications. He founded Eleventh Avenue South which ran from 2002-2011, wrote for the Minnesota Independent from 2006-2011, the American Independent from 2010-2013. His writing has appeared in The Advocate, The Star Tribune, The Huffington Post, Salon, Cagle News Service, Twin Cities Daily Planet, TheUptake, Vita.mn and much more. His writing on LGBT issues, the religious right and social justice has won awards including Best Beat Reporting by the Online News Association, Best Series by the Minnesota chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists, and an honorable mention by the Sex-Positive Journalism awards.