The Minnesota Public Interest Research Group or MPIRG has lent its support to the campaign to stop “ex-gay therapy” or conversion for minors and vulnerable adults.
MPIRG, a progressive student-led organization on six Minnesota college and university campuses, has backed Can’t Convert Love MN’s campaign, according to an announcement from the group. That campaign is focused on passing a law that will punish professionals who counsel minors to change their sexual orientation or gender identity by revoking professional licensure. It was also ban the use of Medicaid funds for such therapy.
In a statement, MPIRG said:
“As a non-partisan, student-run and directed organization, MPIRG supports Can’t Convert Love Minnesota, an organization dedicated to ‘banning conversion therapy for minors and vulnerable adults and to eliminating Medicaid reimbursement for the practice'”.
We recognize the irreparable emotional damage and harm that conversion therapy invokes on its victims, we support the students and youth of Minnesota that identify as LGBTQIA, and furthermore, we know that lives of LGBTQIA youth are at stake in our state.
We support a 100% trans inclusive bill and we call on our state to be leaders in the fight for a more equitable Minnesota and the end to conversion therapy practices.”
A bill was introduced in the 2014 legislative session, but did not receive a hearing.
MPIRG joins the Minnesota DFL, the Minnesota Young DFL, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, the National Center for Lesbian Rights, and the Southern Poverty Law Center in backing Minnesota’s efforts.
I spent well over a decade desperately involved in “ex-gay” therapy and immersed in a fundamentalist Christian world. I was a true believer. At 31, I had a girlfriend…but there I was, taking the elevator to the top of the Empire State Building and once I made it to the top, I planned on jumping. I just didn’t see a way out. My truth was abominable to the Church and shameful to my family should they ever find out. I’m exhibit A as to what this type of “therapy” does to one’s mind and spirit. I’m encouraged by MPIRG’s support of Can’t Convert Love MN and hope that our stories and efforts help lawmakers, religious leaders and parents understand that this practice is leaving scars and must be stopped before another kid jumps or steps in front of a moving train.
Bryan Christopher
Author, “Hiding from Myself: A Memoir”
Minneapolis, MN
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