Stonewall DFL, the LGBT caucus in the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party named David De Grio the 2014 Allan Spear Award winner. The award is named after former Sen. Allan Spear who was one of the first out lawmakers in the country, and the award honors service to the DFL Stonewall Caucus.
According to a press release from the DFL, De Grio has served in many roles in Stonewall including at-large director, coordinator for Stonewall Pride activities, and has served in leadership positions within the caucus. He was also a member of the Minnesotans United Board of Directors.
“In my six years of involvement I’ve been to 27 pride events with Stonewall DFL, traveled well over 3,000 miles in my car across all four corners of the state,” De Grio said in a statement. “I was surprised and honored. I never really got involved for recognition. I got involved to make our voice heard more clearly and consistently within the DFL Party.”