Minnesota is a good state for our community with equal access to marriage, strong anti-discrimination protections for LGBT people, and a large and politically active LGBT population. But, our state also has a very politically active anti-LGBT movement.
The Column is dedicated to exposing that movement and providing factual information about its every move.
Our work on exposing agents of intolerance helped bring to light a plan by an evangelical group to convert members of the LGBT community during Twin Cities Pride in 2014. The Column was the only media outlet to uncover the plan, and it was picked up by national LGBT news outlets. Because of the attention our reporting received, OutFront Minnesota put a crisis team in place to help people affected by the anti-LGBT group and warn people about their true intentions.
We uncovered the inner workings of the Minnesota Child Protection League and educated Minnesotans about the group’s agenda. No other media outlet dug into the roots of the group or kept tabs on MNCPL’s every move as the group fought against anti-bullying laws and transgender inclusion.
In 2015, we will continue to focus on these groups with an added focus on “ex-gay” groups operating in Minnesota. Our goal is to provide in-depth, factual reporting on the “ex-gay” movement so that lawmakers and advocates have the information they need to make an informed decision about whether or not to ban “ex-gay” therapy for minors.
With your help, The Column can continue to keep a watchful eye on conservative anti-LGBT movements and inform the community to prevent harm.
Please consider a contribution today by visiting GiveMN.org or using the form below.