“Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.” U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis famously said those words in a 1913 interview with Harpers. He was talking about the power of “publicity” to expose government wrongdoing. People are more likely to act equitably and in the public’s interest if the public knows what they are up to.
That’s the role that The Column seeks to fill in 2015.
Minnesota had made tremendous strides in LGBT rights in the last two years, but with a Republican-controlled House, attempts to roll back that progress are already popping up at the Minnesota Legislature. With help, The Column will be there every step of the way, shining sunlight on anti-LGBT lawmakers, bill, and lobbyists.
We’ve already reported on Republican lawmakers who plan to introduce bills to make it legal to discriminate against LGBT people based on religion. Bills to roll back the 2014 Safe and Supportive Minnesota Schools Act have already been introduced, and interest groups like the Minnesota Family Council and the Minnesota Child Protection League are lobbying to reverse the Minnesota State High School League’s transgender-inclusive high school athletics policy.
The Column will be at the Capitol reporting on these issues and more. We will continue to provide the LGBT community objective and fact-based information about current legislation, and shine sunlight on anti-LGBT legislation, lawmakers, and organizations.
In order to fulfill this important community service, we need financial backing. Consider investing in effective LGBT journalism in Minnesota. Through Jan. 30 we are seeking to raise money to cover legislative issues. Please consider a contribution today by visiting GiveMN.org or using the form below.