In an editorial in the Huffington Post, ex-Republican Arlen Spector (D-PA) declares the federal Defense of Marriage Act “a relic of a more tradition-bound time and culture,” reversing his support for the legislation that bars federal recognition of same-gender marriage. Specter’s reversal is the latest in a rising tide of support for the law’s repeal.
Maine – “No on 1” needs to make 500,000 calls between now and November 3rd to get supporters out to the polls so they can vote down a ballot question that would eliminate a state law permitting same-gender marriage, passed earlier this year. Organizers say making sure supporters turn out is critically important because voter turnout is historically low in off-year elections. That’s a lot of calls…but you can help, without even leaving your home! Sign up here.
Massachusetts – The Associated Press profiles Lutheran Social Services‘ advocacy for LGBT asylum seekers trying to deal with this country’s homophobic immigration legislation. Speaking of homophobic immigration policy, Obama administration officials may announce a firm end-date today for the ban on HIV-positive immigrants and foreign visitors. (AP, Washington Blade)
Missouri – KC Chiefs running back Larry Johnson apologizes for telling two reporters to “get your faggot asses out of [the locker room].” Towleroad reports that Johnson has been told to stay away from practice and ‘other team activities’ until the team finishes reviewing the incident. (Towleroad)
Teh Internets – The Facebook campaign targeting Seventeen magazine for this month’s cover story calling trans people liars (and comparing them to perverts and drug addicts!) keeps growing… (PHB)
Spain – David Beckham to appear on condom wrappers, courtesy of the Thyssen-Boremisza Museum in Madrid. Wouldn’t mind flipping with him at all…

(The Billerico Project, The Guardian)
David Beckham is my idol and i wish that i was as good as him in the game of football.:.:
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