“It was a non-wedding festooned with all the indulgent gimcrackery of Satan’s most alluring playground: Hollywood.” — Laurie Higgins of the Illinois Family Institute
Sunday night’s Grammy Awards featured some much-talked about performances by Beyonce and Katy Perry, as well as the mass wedding performed by Queen Latifah flanked by Macklemore and Madonna. Many reviewed the night’s performances, but none were as hilarious, as scary, and as hateful as those of the religious right. Here are TheColu.mn’s top 10 picks.
10. The Grammys were “The Celebration of the Perverse”
Dr. Jim Garrow, a Christian conspiracy theorist who has called for a coup against President Obama, didn’t watch the Grammy’s, but he did decide to offer review anyway on his Facebook page.
I just saw a report of the Grammy Awards from last night and came to the conclusion that what I was watching was an excuse for some to dress up and celebrate their own perversity. Sadly America finds sponsors for this. They need to know, from us, that we are not amused. Pick your sponsor and boycott them. It is the only language that they understand and will bow to. Profit.
9. Beyonce’s performance of “Drunk in Love” was “dark and malevolent”
Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association thinks Beyonce’s alter ego, Sasha Fierce, is a demonic spirit.
“that’s how she was able to perform. She’s got a name for it. It’s clearly a demonic spirit, she used satanics symbols, demonic symbols in her performance.”
Via Right Wing Watch
8. Queen Latifah’s mass marriage ceremony at the Grammys was “an abomination.”
Bryan Fischer gave several reviews of the Grammy’s and he found that mass wedding — which included what he called “homosexual couples whether the lesbian or homosexual variety.”
“If you care about children,” Fischer said, “this thing ought to appall you because gay marriage is bad for children. In fact, same-sex parenting – I’m going to be very direct here – same-sex parenting is a form of child abuse.”
Via Right Wing Watch
7. The Grammys show that “The Hollywood industry is run by Hell”
Al Menconi, author of The Christian Music Challenge, told the religious right outlet OneNewsNow that Christians are partly to blame for what happened at the Grammy’s.
“The Hollywood industry is run by Hell because we chose to leave – and it’s the same with DVDs,” he tells OneNewsNow. “[Now] we realize the mistake that we’ve made as a Christian community and we’re saying that we’ve got to get back in there and have a presence there.”
6. The Grammys are “tearing this nation apart”
In his daily email to supporters, religious right icon and former presidential candidate, Gary Bauer gave a negative review of the Grammys.
The chasm between today’s pop culture and Middle America was on full display at theGrammy Awards. From same-sex weddings to semi-pornographic performances, left-wing Hollywood elites once again reveled in mocking the cherished values of millions of Americans.
But what took place at the Grammys was a perfect example of the culture war that is tearing our nation apart, as well as America’s growing virtue deficit. If men and women of goodwill of all races don’t step up soon, our budget deficit and growing military weakness won’t matter. Our virtue deficit will destroy this great experiment in ordered liberty under God.
5. “Some parts of the event devolved into a profane affront to conscience”
Even right-wing Catholics gave the event negative reviews. Deacon Keith Fournier of the Diocese of Richmond, writing for Catholic.org, warned that out culture is collapsing.
Some parts of the event devolved into a profane affront to conscience, intended to mock the Christian vision. It was co-opted by a few who are committed to an agenda that is not progressive, but regressive. An agenda that will not lead to human flourishing and liberation, in spite of its claims, but rather to human degradation, denigration and cultural collapse.
4. “How did you like the Grammy’s all out assault on the traditional family last night?”
That question was posed by child star Kirk Cameron. He played Mike Seaver on the hit show Growing Pains and was the crush of many teen girls and gay boys in the 1980s. Now he’s a religious right figurehead.
He made the statement on Facebook while trying to sell one of his religious DVDs. Instinct Magazine got the scoop.
3. Macklemore’s performance “made me want to vomit”
Erik Rush, a conservative commentator, said the performance was led by “a disgusting pack of subverts” who want America “shepherded down the path to Hell.” he also admitted he didn’t actually watch the Grammys
Via Right Wing Watch
2. Katy Perry’s performance was “Full-fledged witchcraft and demonic glorification”
Glenn Beck gave poor reviews to the Katy Perry and Juicy J performance of the smash hit Dark Horse
“It’s full fledged witchcraft and demonic glorification… When I looked at this .. I thought of the democratic convention… where they denied god three times, and I thought to myself, ‘Where are we headed as a society… we are worshiping a God that is not going to… it’s not going to end well.”
Via Right Wing Watch
1. “It was a non-wedding festooned with all the indulgent gimcrackery of Satan’s most alluring playground: Hollywood.”
Laurie Higgins of Illinois Family Institute gave perhaps the most scathing — and hilarious — review of Sunday night’s performances.
Beyoncé’s vulgar anti-woman, anti-marriage performance foreshadowed the climactic setpiece of the evening: Queen Latifah, long-rumored to be a lesbian, officiated at the “weddings” of 33 couples, many of whom were same-sex couples, while accompanied by the preachy, feckless song “Same Love” by Macklemore and the song “Open Your Heart” by the Dorian Gray-esque Madonna. It was a sorry, sick, non-serious ceremony that looked like something from the garish dystopian world of the Hunger Games, replete with a cheering sycophantic audience, faux-stained glass windows, a faux-choir, a homosexual faux-pastorette, and “Madonna” with her faux-face. It was a non-wedding festooned with all the indulgent gimcrackery of Satan’s most alluring playground: Hollywood.
Man, I should’ve watched the Grammys.
Oooh, ‘gimcrakery’! Ms. Higgins’ churlish acrimony actuated by her enmity for variant opinions sure does arouse in her a penchant for pleonastic verbosity. Her poor thesaurus must be in shreds.
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