Keri Pickett is one of Minnesota’s own accomplished photographers. Pickett has been published, awarded and praised for such photographic work as the (now out of print) “Faeries” featured above. Recently Pickett turned her sights to film making and knocked it out of the park with her first ever feature “The Fabulous Ice Age”. The film covers the history of the performance on ice trade, Yesterday marked a significant moment in her career when the filmed was screened at Lincoln Center in New York City. Crowning that achievement was the early morning release of the film on Netflix streaming. I recently had the chance to catch this busy bee for a podcast recording. Please take a moment to listen to the show and hear first hand what a gem she is. Even though it is associated with a brand of cigarettes, I think the phrase that fits this accomplished artist is “You’ve come a long way baby” from your internship in 1983 at the Village Voice.
TheColu.mn and I congratulate you on yet another chapter of success!