Tony Perkins, the head of the Family Research Council, suggested on Thursday that FRC’s supporters should boycott Betty Crocker because the famous baking brand offered free cakes to same-sex couples when marriage equality became legal. Raw Story published Perkins’ statements.
“Betty Crocker’s latest promotion is a recipe for disaster,” said Perkins. “In Minnesota, where parent company General Mills is headquartered, Betty Crocker decided to donate wedding cakes to the first homosexual couples who exchanged vows on the first day that counterfeit marriage was legal.”
“Unfortunately for General Mills, the majority of Americans think natural marriage is anything but old fashioned,” Perkins continued. “And they’ve made it tough on companies like Target, Starbucks, and JC Penney who disagree. Know where your money is going.”
“When you’re at the store, think outside the Betty Crocker box!”
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