Updated: According to several of Goodwin’s constituents, she will be voting in favor of the marriage equality bill.
The Senate announced on Thursday that a bill to legalize same-sex marriage will be heard on Tuesday, Mar. 12 at noon in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
The Associated press spoke with members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and determined that 4 of committees the 8 legislators will vote for the bill. Sens. Kathy Sheran, Dick Cohen, Ron Latz, and Kari Dziedzic are expected to vote yes. The only holdout so far among DFLers Sen. Barb Goodwin. None of the Republicans on the committee are expected to vote for the bill.
Earlier this week, TheColu.mn published a look at the House Civil Law Committee which is the first stop for the bill in that chamber. The AP confirmed what we suspected: The bill should easily pass. Only one DFLer, Rep. Paul Rosenthal, said he wasn’t a sold yes vote. He wanted to read the bill first.
Here are the details for the Senate meeting
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 – 12 Noon
Committee on Judiciary
Chair: Sen. Ron Latz
12 Noon
Room 15 CapitolThere will be 40 minutes for the proponents’ and 40 minutes for the opponents’ testimony. The remainder of the time will be for committee discussion of the bill. To testify, proponents may contact Sen. Dibble’s office at 651-296-1738 and opponents may contact Autumn Leva at 612-212-0420. You will be able to view the hearing on monitors in the overflow seating area in Capitol 123. A small amount of remaining tickets may be released outside Capitol 15 at 11:45 a.m. There will be a vote taken.
S.F. 925-Dibble: Marriage between two persons authorization.
And here are the details for the House meeting:
TUESDAY, March 12, 2013
8:15 AM
Meeting Time Note: If Necessary, the Committee will Recess and Reconvene at 6PM in Room 10 State Office Building
Room: 10 State Office Building
Chair: Rep. John LeschAgenda:
HF1054 (Clark) Marriage between two persons provided, and exemptions based in religious association provided for.
THIS HEARING WILL BE TICKETED. TICKETS WILL BE GIVEN TO THOSE TESTIFYING ON HF1054 FIRST. THE REMAINING TICKETS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED ON A FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED BASIS TO THOSE IN LINE OUTSIDE ROOM 10 OF THE STATE OFFICE BUILDING. THERE WILL BE OVERFLOW SEATING IN ROOM 181 OF THE STATE OFFICE BUILDING WHERE YOU CAN VIEW THE HEARING ON TELEVISION.If you wish to testify, email the Committee Administrator at charlotte.antin@house.mn. In your email, include your full name, any association you are affiliated with, and whether you plan to testify in support or in opposition of the bill.