Yesterday The Smitten Kitten (TSK) hosted a book reading/signing for Steve Lenius, local leather hero and author of Lavender Magazines popular Leather Life column since 1995. The book is a collection of his past articles spanning the 15 years he has been a featured writer for Lavender. The first two selections he chose were articles he had written about toxic toys – showcasing the education work of TSK’s other side Coalition Against Toxic Toys and an article about “Poppers”.
Recent changes to the format of Lavender have limited the number of contributions the author is able to make – from per issue to quarterly. The audience asked about this and declared that want more of his writing.
Always the professional in his communication about leather life, he wrote about poppers from the holistic perspective of harm reduction and was thorough in his education about what hazards one who partakes may encounter. Lenius has been a leader of sexual freedom and sexual health for many years. In addition, and based on the display of appreciation the audience’s comments conveyed, he is a treasured local hero. Part of the amazing work of the writer is drawing attention to the good work of others. During the event he encouraged people to head to Chicago and check out The Leather Archives speaking highly of there desire to bring kink out of the closet.
Although the event was modestly attended, Lenius was vibrant and engaging. With twelve and a third people (cutest little baby in tow) Lenius was able to interact with everyone. Although the book has been out since May of this year sales have not been what the author had hoped. It is a great read for anyone interested in learning more about sexual health and responsibility – oh and all things kinky! I am pleased to see our community so filled with pride about their chosen lifestyle. Books can be purchased online through Amazon and at TSK.