Home blog Hawaii Governor Vetoes Domestic Partnerships

Hawaii Governor Vetoes Domestic Partnerships


Calling House Bill 444 “same-sex marriage by another name,” Republican Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle announced her veto of the legislation, which would have created domestic partnerships for same-gender couples that granted the same rights and benefits granted to married Hawaiian couples. Instead, Lingle said, she hopes marriage rights for same-gender couples will be put to voters in a referendum on a constitutional amendment in 2012. Her action means LGBT rights groups fighting for same-gender marriage will have to recalibrate their strategy, which until now had been focused solely on securing a legislative win. The American Civil Liberties Union and Lambda Legal have been waiting in the wings to file suit alleging that the Hawaiian constitution provides for equal rights for same-gender couples, and are planning on moving forward with the plan, according to local TV station KITV.

Bigotry Wins: Hawaii Gov. Lingle Vetoes Civil Unions from Joe Jervis on Vimeo.

(Video via Joe.My.God)