Home blog The National: Tea Partiers Think LGBT People Have Too Much Power – Poll

The National: Tea Partiers Think LGBT People Have Too Much Power – Poll


A sign from March's Tea Party rally at the State Capitol (Photo: Flickr/User Fibonacci Blue)
A recent poll released yesterday by the University of Washington shows that it’s not just big government that makes Tea Partiers angry: they also get hot under the collar when they see minorities wielding political power and influence. The University surveyed 1,695 likely voters over the phone in May, and of the 19% of respondents who say they “strongly” or “somewhat” supported the Tea Party (a further 16% said they “somewhat supported” it), a little over half told pollsters that “gays and lesbians have too much political power.” The poll has a margin of error of 2.3%. Of course, this is not terribly surprising to Minnesotans who have watched Representative Michele Bachmann’s career.


D.C. – Another gay man is murdered in his apartment, with no signs of forced entry, marking the fourth such killing since December. (The Washington Blade)

D.C. – Senator John McCain is supporting plans to filibuster the Senate vote to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. (The Washington Blade)

New York – Satisfied that the LGBTQA community has been educated about how a fast can be used as a protest strategy, Army National Guard Lt. Dan Choi announced he and former Army Capt. Jim Pietrangelo are ending their fast protesting the DADT repeal compromise. (ltdanchoi.com)

Massachusetts – Jane Lynch got hitched. Everybody say “Awwww.” (The Daily Mail)

Oregon – A Memorial Day gay bashing in Portland has the community in an uproar, and not a little bit of fear, too. (The Portland Mercury)

Saudi Arabia – Watch your step if you’re LGBT, particularly if you’re an immigrant laborer. (GMA News TV)

South Africa – Even if you’re one of South Africa’s bigger soccer stars, it’s hard to escape the dangers of beatings, “corrective rapes,” and even murder that face many lesbians in the country. Says one: “I always worry. When I’m walking the streets I watch left and right. I’m not just a woman, I’m also lesbian, and there is no justice here.” (The BBC)


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