Home blog The National: RNC Drops $2k At Lesbian Bondage Strip Club

The National: RNC Drops $2k At Lesbian Bondage Strip Club


(Photo: Flickr/Kelly Sue)
It’s still unclear exactly what the purpose of the trip was, but the Daily Caller reported yesterday that the Republican National Committee picked up a donor’s $2,000 tab at a West Hollywood “topless lesbian bondage strip club” called Voyeur. This is apparently a really classy place – a Yelp review highlighted by AmericaBlog raves about the “understated elegance” of topless women acting out S&M scenes on stages and in glass cages throughout the establishment, and mentions Lindsey Lohan has been a patron. As Slate mentions, the RNC is asking the anonymous donor in question to return the money supposedly used for “meal expenses,” and is generally looking pretty red in the face as this and other lavish expenses come to light. As for the mystery donor, maybe it’s just a convenient cover for Liz Cheney?


New York – Surprise! Ricky Martin actually came out! Will it be a “watershed” moment for LGBT Puerto Ricans? (Hint: only if Martin starts using his bully pulpit as the biggest star from Puerto Rico) (Yahoo News, EDGE)

D.C. – Retired Marine general “sorry” for blaming the Srebrenica massacre on gays in the Dutch army. (Towleroad)

Florida – Exodus International steps up its opposition to Uganda’s anti-gay bill, after some board members seem to have had a hand in getting the proposed legislation off the ground in the first place. (The Box Turtle Bulletin)

Florida – The Bilerico Project calls on the IRS to investigate a church organizing a campaign against a gay mayoral candidate in Gainsville. Problem is, several laws on the books make it nearly impossible for the IRS to successfully act against politically active churches. (The Bilerico Project, the Minnesota Independent)

Michigan – Speaking of Christianist extremists: the “Hutaree” militia group charged with plotting to assassinate police officers and bomb their funerals have had their website (presumably a forum) spammed with lots of gay porn. (The Advocate)

Georgia – Derrick Martin talks to The Advocate about fighting against his parents and his whole town to go to the prom with his boyfriend. (The Advocate)

Oklahoma – State legislature FAIL – In attempting to ban enforcement of federal hate crimes statutes protecting LGBT Americans, legislators have instead dropped protections based on race and religion by accident. (Towleroad)

California – Gay rights activist leading the charge against a Presbyterian minister who performed same-gender marriages (illegal in the Presbyterian church) while those marriages were legal in California. (Joe.My.God)