If you’ve spent any time in downtown Minneapolis, you’ve probably seen — and heard — Pastor Jason Lee Cooley. Cooley and his band of Christian “brothers” (women aren’t allowed since they are to be subservient to men according to his sermons) bring large, bright signs to sidewalks outside the city’s bars, concert venues, and festivals, and shout at people about sodomites, hell, and repentance. They are members of the Old Paths Baptist Church in Northfield, Minn., and they are bringing their brand of Baptist fundamentalism to the streets of the Twin Cities.
Old Paths Baptist church hails from Independent Fundamental Baptist strain of Christianity. There is no governing body or denomination. Debate rages among IFB churches as to whether it even constitutes movement. Though each church is completely autonomous, many exist after being “planted” by another church and they do share common themes.
John Shore, writing for Patheos, put together a comprehensive guide to understanding the IFB phenomena. Much of what Shore writes is reflected in Cooley’s Old Paths Baptist Church: radical evangelism, frequent overtures of eternal damnation for all who don’t follow the IFB brand of belief, and a particular antipathy for “sodomites.”
Old Paths Baptist dates back to 2007 when it was “planted” by First Baptist Church of Rosemount, another IFB church. Church planting is common among IFB churches — and Baptist movements as a whole.
Old Paths isn’t the only church planted by First Baptist. Over the last few years, it has been planting Northern Lights Baptist Church headed by Pastor Mike Frey. Frey made headlines around the country in 2013 when he testified at the Minnesota Capitol against marriage equality with a bizarre speech in front of a House committee. He sat at the table and began to describe ejaculation inside a colon, and the diseases he argued that gays would foist upon Minnesota’s unsuspecting public. “I urge you to vote against the changes inside this bill,” he said “because it’s going to put a health risk for the society at large and it’s going to put a financial burden on the people of Minnesota to be able to support all the diseases that will come out of this.”
According to the website, Old Paths is “planting” its own church in New Richmond, Wis. That church will be pastored by Pastor Russell Hildebrandt, who currently runs a church in Arlington Texas.
Last year, Cooley and the gang set up shop along Willow Street on the western edge of Loring Park as the Twin Cities Pride festival was underway. When it isn’t trying to crash LGBT Pride with messages of sin and damnation, the group of men target events such as a recent Madonna concert, engage in sidewalk preaching outside LGBT bars, and accost pedestrians on Nicollet Mall.
The preaching team includes Brother Nate Marino, Brother Russell Hildebrandt, Brother Jerald Finney, Brother Paul Pearson, Brother Lee Pongratz, and Brother Cooley (Pastor Jason Lee Cooley’s dad). They take turns shouting at people in the urban core, and preaching from the pulpit at the Northfield Senior Center, where the church is based. Some recent sermons include “The Intellectual Foundation for the LGBT Agenda: Freud, Jung, Kinsey, & Psychology,” “God Hates Gay Rights and Destroys Nations for Them,” “The Homosexual Invasion of the Churches,” “Sodomite Agenda: Public School Queering your Kids,” “Obama: Overhauling Straight America & The Homosexual Manifesto,” and “Supreme Court Obomination: A Prophecy of Perversion” (Cooley publishes several sermons a week at the church’s Youtube channel).
Cooley and his acolytes also run a radio program, though it appears to only exist online; no radio stations list it as a broadcast program. That program features topics such as “Special Report: Disney Pushes Pedophilia and Sodomite Teen Agenda,” and “Country Music: Hybrid Homosexual Honkytonk Music from Hell.”
The Column put this video together with clips from Old Path’s Baptist Church’s frequently updated social media channels:
If you see Cooley and the gang in the Twin Cities, send The Column a tip via our tipline, 612-314-LGBT or via our website.
[…] The Column this week, Andy Birkey goes over the history of Old Paths Baptist Church in Northfield, Minn., and […]
As a former sodomite, I can testify that these men are of God, and are preaching to lost souls (not just homosexuals). They are doing as God commanded (2 Timothy 4:2), and do not answer to any man. Jesus came to save sinners and calls sinners to repentance (Mark 2:17). And the Lord is blessing this ministry mightily. Thank you for the advertisement…may the Lord bring to repentance and salvation every one that sees this page.
Pastor Jason Coley is right.. and may the Good Lord continue to bless him.. the Sodomite queers are gross and nasty.. they are perverts and sick..
He’s a homophobic bigot who spews hate and needs to move somewhere else like new york where the street preachers acrually get hurt, lets see how long he lasts there. Him and his entourage of scumbags
This is the Minnesota “God Hates Fags” brigade, just as kooky and annoying. Nothing worse than sanctimonious, self righteous assholes standing on the corner yelling at people. It’s not working, nobody cares what you believe, go home and make babies.
You consider them monsters for standing in the crowd and calling out your sins? No my friend they’re the people who love you the most, because they risk their necks to bring you the message of salvation. Very few people have the courage to go out there and bellow for you lost people to turn to Christ. So you better be grateful to God that men like them still go out to the streets and expose evil, because very soon there won’t be men like them.
Tell you what friend, this article of yours that seeks to slander them will only serve as a beacon for sodomites and the like to turn to Christ, I only hope you do too and repent of your wicked ways.
Repent of your sins… there’s still time
God bless.
Giving out their location won’t work friend… God protects them, so whatever evil you wish upon them won’t surmount to anything, go spend your time on something beneficial.
Great preaching! Praise God for men who still preach the bible! That is truth and this sodomite loving author of this article is hell bound. Jesus Christ will return repent before it is everlastingly too late.
AMEN PRAISE THE LORD sofomy is wicked and has a death sentence according to the Word of God. Jesus Christ can save sodomites just like he saved me from my sin! Thank God for Old Paths Baptist Church!
Thank you for bringing this group to my attention. I would very much like to support their ministry. Praise God for people who truly care and love others enough to warn of the coming judgment and eternity in hell fire. Salvation is found only in Jesus the Messiah, the only one who can change the heart. He gives grace to the humble but resists the proud. Read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the King James bible to learn about Him.
I am an attorney who lives in Austin, Texas. I will move to Minnesota in March and join with Old Paths Baptist Church in their attempts to warn the wicked of the fate that awaits them should they refuse to repent of sin and truth Jesus Christ to save them from their sin. By the way, true believers have always been persecuted by the religious crowd. We owe our First Amendment protectiions, and corresponding state protections to those great historic Baptists who continued to obey God in spite of persecution (beheading, being burned alive, being drowned, being imprisoned, being tortured, etc.) by the religion-church combinations (Catholic, Protestant unions with the state, with the religion in control) because they were labeled as heretics for refusing to bow down to false theology. It is sad to see some of the comments above which lie about Old Paths Baptist Church street preachers.
I made a couple of grammatical errors in my last comment. It should have said “trust” Jesus Christ; and “religion-state,” not religion-church. For more on Old Paths Baptist Church street preaching ministry see: https://jeraldfinney.wordpress.com/gods-plan-of-salvation/b-messages-from-pastor/street-preaching/. See also, https://jeraldfinney.wordpress.com/gods-plan-of-salvation/b-messages-from-pastor/street-preaching/. For the history of the First Amendment, see https://jeraldfinney.wordpress.com/contents/online-version-of-the-book-god-betrayed/the-history-of-the-first-amendment/. Did you know that even the modern liberal Supreme Court has said that people in America have no right to not be offended by public speech? In other words, offensive speech is protected (because of the stand of street preaching Baptists)? For more on the law see, https://jeraldfinney.wordpress.com/gods-plan-of-salvation/b-messages-from-pastor/street-preaching/tract-street-preaching-in-america-is-it-legal/. You should all be glad that everyone in America has these freedoms-you should thank the OPBC men for keeping these freedoms alive in Minnesota. Be thankful that the truth can be proclaimed in the public arena (along with lies, and any other type of speech within bounds mentioned in the above tract.
“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). If people hate bold open-air gospel preaching, then it is because they have never been made into a new creature by the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible is very clear, “I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3,5).
You guys are ridiculous and make yourselves look crazy………. everybody loves the rainbow
“Sodemites” are my friends!
Tell Cooley to get back on those psychotropics, who cares if it makes him fat and unattractive, he’s always been that way, and tell his wife to stop opening her legs and pumping out all those ugly kids, he’s not gonna stop until her uterus falls out, 5 mindless zombies is enough. And tell Aaron that his testimony sucked, it was like being waterboarded for 3 hours.
What Jason and Nate do in Jason’s prayer closet is their business. Just make sure Cooley’s rod and staff comforts him lol shitheads!! And here comes Jerald Finney to the rescue, whats wrong Finney? Austin too weird for ya. Or maybe not weird enough. I thought you were a smart man but I guess we were wrong, you will believe anything you’re told, great, another mindless robot to do Cooley’s bidding, and I’m sure Cooley has a hard on for you because you get to represent him free of charge if he ever gets in trouble with the law, and if you don’t realize you’re being used by this filthy disgusting fat body, then you’re just a brainless sheep who will follow the only person who will listen to you.. good luck with that, hopefully some day you’ll see the light…..
Reply to anonomous #14. It is obvious why you commented anonymously. You like darkness so you remain anonymous. I like light, so I publish my name with what I have to say. You just make up stuff without knowing what you are talking about. Thanks to our historic Baptist forefathers, people in America can air even dark, evil, anti-God, unlearned, disgusting, untruthful, hateful speech, although you could be sued for libel should you publish your name. My Lord said that I am to love you, so I cannot sue you even though you are guilty of lying libel. Jesus said: “Matthew 5:43-46 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?” He also said: “Matthew 5:10-12 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” “John 3:16-21 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.” Please humbly and contritely repent toward God and put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to save you from your sins.
your historic baptist forefathers can kiss my lilly white ass!!
To the #15 commenter, you don’t know cooley that well do you, or maybe you’re blind to the fact that he’s leading you by the balls, or maybe you’re just a drooling vegetable, I’m not sure but i guess you want to find out the hard way
And since you believe in free speech JF then I guess you need to leave mine alone, but I’m sure you already know that, I ‘m free to say whatever I please, as long as your group spit out hate speech then I’m free to speak my mind also, so fuck off!!
To Anonymous #18. You are brain dead. You are not listening. Are you a kid? You obviously have never been taught how to think. I could help you if you would let me, but most know-it-alls who know nothing have not the sense to know that they need help. For your own good, reread my prior comment and think about it. Then, try to make a reasoned comment. Also, develop some character; show evidence of that by giving your name, using civil language, etc. If you do not, you remain a coward and a person of low degree. I really would like for you to get saved which would be the best thing that every happened in your life. To learn how, see https://jeraldfinney.wordpress.com/gods-plan-of-salvation/gods-plan-of-salvation/. Get out of the dark, and step into the light!
All the homosexual community has to do is go to old paths baptist church mn and start flagging the stuff they find offensive, it’s only fair that the gays voices are heard to. Go ahead, glag away
Hey Jf old pal, checked out your wordpress website, it didnt hold my interest, too self righteous.
Wow, this finney guy seems to be the comment police on this website. Telling people what to do, christians never seem to stop barking orders at people when they have a right to voice their opinion, and to anonymous and benny, keep up the good work, our community is behind you…
Yes, pride and arrogance is an ugly thing old paths, shame on you.
What has this world come to when groups like this oldpaths can tell individuals what to do, what to watch and what is right or wrong, a sad day we’re living in, and your right anonymous, i looked at jason cooleys picture, i feel sorry for that poor woman of his. Dont worry dear, it gets better
I went to their you tube page and the comments were disabled, what are they afraid of? I guess their afraid someone is gonna prove them wrong and nake them look like liars, sorry people, just calling a spade a spade.
Yeah, i heard their last sound the battle cry and some guy named aaron was giving his story, he started talki.g about how phycotropic drugs make you fat and jason cooley let out a nervous chuckle and said yeah. If you ask me seems like the Old paths pastor has been on phycotropic drugs before, maybe thats why he was overweight. Cooley also seemed reluctant to share anything after that. Usually his mouth is going 500 miles an hour, it was like he didnt want to talk about this subject anymore, maybe he was developing cravings again, well, once an addict always an addict. Point proven
Yeah, i heard that episode too, its funny that jason and nate started using video to go along with the audio part, but with this particular episode with this aaron guy, and of course they dont give out last names. These clows must have a lot to hide, but anyway, with particular episode of spund the battle cry, there’s no video, what are these guys hiding, somethings pretty fishy here, i wont be listening to his shows anymore and im going to tell my friens not to listen either. Theres too much secret stuff going on. Theres something they dont want the audience to know and i hope somebody exposes that soon.. good riddance to bad rubbish
This Cooley Character is paranoid, he was talking very highly one time about a guy named “Shane by the way” then Shane says something positive about a preacher that Cooley hates, so Shane is now a plant for his opposition I guess, He constantly thinks that people are out to fuck him, they probably are
I honestly think that his sidekick, Nate Marino is going to overthrow Cooley soon, you know how I know? God told me, he talks to me and he also told me that this free attorney that he has at his disposal will go back to Austin Texas in 2017 because of some conflict between them… God is good and Cooley is full of demons, talk to god, he’ll tell you..
HEY, Anonymous, AKA Jason Solis…. you’re a wicked devil. Repent or go to hell you coward.
We block comments because of the filth we are constantly bombarded with from nasty filthy disgusting sodomite hell fodder. You bunch of stinking liars. You need to repent.
Well, Gerald, you have my name now. And I’m in a bunch of our vids. I’m the guy in the wheelchair. I produce our media, I’m the engineer, so it was problematic to set up vid that day since no one else can run it. We are super easy to find. We also publish more material than any other ministry, and stream our sermons live. We preach in public. We hand out tens of thousands of tracts with our contact info on them. We are so easy to locate that some of you filthy perverts have used the USPS to send us “genetic material” through the mail. How is that hiding anything? You wouldn’t just be another dime a dozen lying sodomite enraged by the truth that your sin will destroy forever in hell, would you? Stinking liar. False accuser. Filthy dreamer. REPENT!
Hey, Solis, better hope that stuff wasn’t yours. You got a gene profile, Soulless? You in the system? Something tells me you really don’t want the feds kicking your door in. Watch your step, and your filthy mouth.
Hey PJ Alexander, Go screw yourself, anonymous is not me, I have the guts to put my name on this blog, so quit lying
And by the way Aaron, I think the FEDs have better things to do than to than to listen to you and your cronies, You guys make stuff up and automatically start blaming people, I think an apology is in order, I’ll be waiting….
I actually work for a living and don’t waste my time standing on the street telling people that their going to hell, I have better thing to do with my time, like make money, and I have better things to do with my time than to type stupid comments to you guys, don’t waste my time, and you better hope the feds don’t kick in your door!! Cause if anybody is causing a ruckus, it’s you and your buddies, not me, so you can go to hell… I’m out!
Stop wasting everybodys time, and get a job!!
And Aaron Marshall also owes me an apology, I probably won’t get it, that’s ok, because I’m Christ like, and man enough.
No Aaron, that genetic profile was not mine, if it was mine, you would be swallowing it, so I suggest you stop harrassing me and lying about me, both you and your stupid asshole PJ.
Watch my step and my filthy mouth? Is that a threat? Believe me I don’t want to kick a cripples ass but I suggest that you get back on your psychotropics and go lie in a hole somewhere and don’t come out. You idiots invite trouble, and if you push the people of Minnesota hard enough, they’re gonna push back, and believe me, I’m sure you don’t want the wrath of a whole town on you.
I guess this church group has nothing better to do than threaten people all day, sad when you look at it, sounds like christianity at it’s best, believe what we believe or burn!!, what a sweet message.
Alrighty Then! I see Cooley has his lap dogs doing his dirty work for him, just goes to prove that the slave/master relationship is in full swing at this place. I hear that you think that America is wicked and going to hell, well, tell you what, why not move out of america, I know the perfect place for you, Guyana, I think Jonestown is still there, just move in. Oh, I almost forgot…Marshall Applewhite says hello, and he said that the spaceship is coming back, make sure you all don’t miss it this time
LMAO That’s funny Joshua, couldn’t have said it better….
Hey, Cooleys lap dogs, we need to talk about your behavior call me @ (507) 645-4500
Now, everybody needs to settle down!! Just ask yourself, what would Jesus say, he wouldn’t say anything anybody put in this comment section, that’s for sure
Jason solis just proved what he is all about And that he is doing all of this and his obsessive compulsive behavior . The guy really can’t stop listening to us.
But that’s ok he needs to be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ to forgive his wicked soul. He has a wicked mouth and has been posting things about me everywhere he is obsessed. I pray he repents.
As far as the homosexual community goes you better repent of your sins and trust Christ. Hell is hot and just like no drunkard shall enter the kingdom neither shall a sodomite .
Really Cooley?, I’ve been posting things about you everywhere?, well first of all that’s bullshit, you’re a liar, but that’s expected of you, That just goes to prove that you will believe anything you’re told, your fucking cronies sent in their report and without any information you starts spouting off lies about me. Your a piece of shit Cooley and if you want to believe lies, next time say them to my face or shut the fuck up. And as far as listening to your sermons, I don’t need too, all I have to do is go to the forums and read the texts of people who think you’re an absolute moron who lies for a living.
I don’t have any more time for these shit sticks so that’s my last comment, if they want to waste their lives lying to people and their group of boobs want to believe it, then they are as dumb as they look, I’m out!!
Jason Solis, we are out every week preaching on the streets of St. Paul and Minneapolis. You are more than welcome to come and talk to us, you coward. Oh I forget, perverts are cowards, because they hate God and his preachers because they call you out for your wickedness.
Solis, you’re pathetic.
Excuse me Mr. Alexander!! I believe you’re pathetic, Your Lawyer buddy was threatening to sue this anonymous guy for lying libel (But then he didn’t cause the voices in his head told him not to) and then you go around and insert Jason into the mix, thinking (Without any information or proof) that Jason is Anonymous, then calling him a pervert and a coward?!!! You don’t even know the guy, you are making stuff up and lying libel, is this how christians act? With Contempt and hatred toward everyone that’s not in your little circle jerk?!! I hope Jason calls a lawyer and decides to sue you and Aaron for lying libel, but I’m sure he has better things to do with his time than to waste it on a slandering knuckledragger and his crippled friend. And then in comes Cooley, with the information you gave and starts spouting off stuff about jason too!!! What is wrong with you people?, find a hobby or something, or get back on your medication, or just shut up, you’re not helping matters any. Anonymous was right, you are the Minnesota “God Hates Fags” Brigade!! Oh an cooley, arrogance is not a good quality.
Martha’s right. Cooley is very arrogant, thinks his shit don’t stink!
We have plenty of proofs that Jason Solis is a wicked pervert. He goes under alias names as Ivan Bradbury and he knows it too.
Repent and believe the gospel. And sodomites go to hell as all other sinners that don’t repent and believe the gospel
We want you to be saved from your sins.
I saw them at Magus book store, man they got their asses kicked over there, and then retreating with their tail between their legs, then cooley says in one of his sermons that they were triumphant cause god was there, lol that big blonde guy pushed all 3 of them down at once, it was hilarious, I almost pissed myself, And then I go to reminisce by watching the video on You Tube, and guess what? It was privatized, well how convenient,
Right keep lying Greg . We are not violent and don’t attack people. We also went back there and that man was forced to leave. So get your facts straight we preach not physically strike people
I know who Ivan Bradbury is, And I can assure you, his name is not Jason, you better check your facts first before you stick out that lying toungue, he lives in your area actually, well minneapolis
I never said you were violent Cooley, I said you got your asses kicked, I was the guy in the green shirt behind you laughing. It’s still funny to this day ha ha ha ha
Don’t care where he lives. He posted the same wicked stuff as Solis Did about us. Repent sinner hell is hot and you are heading there. God has grace and will forgive your sins if you wil repent and believe the gospel
It doesn’t matter if he did or not, you are lying and saying that Jason is Ivan Bradbury and he’s not, so stop spreading lies
Yeah right
Hey Cooley, I think you need to up the dosage on that Zoloft lol
Never taken it wicked man
Cooley, how do you sleep at night knowing that all you do is wreak havoc on law abiding citizens of Minnesota?
Well maybe you should, cause you’re sounding like a blithering idiot right about now, accusing people of things with no proof, telling people they’re going to hell which you can’t prove exists, telling people they’re wicked perverts, you’re making shit up to satisfy your own self. Hell, try paxil, it might be better….
People, don’t waste your time on these oafs, They are beneath us.
Hey Cooley, If I’m Ivan Brabury, then you’re a sodomite, you dummy!! people, it doesn’t matter what this wicked satanic cult says, they’re gonna spew out lie after lie to get what they’re after, that’s how the game is played. All they want is attention, well, let’s not give it them. Hey Johnathon, tell Ivan Bradbury to call me, we have some things to discuss,
You got it!!
What a joke
Shut up Cooley, nobody cares anymore.
Yeah Cooley, you wore out your welcome, shut up and go away!!
What I fail to understand about these sorts of guys is that they seem to think we all want to be saved. I am unrepentant and gay. I am proud to call myself an enemy of Yahweh and am actually looking forward to hell. I don’t want to spend any more time with God or his idiot son than I have to. Even if Christ wanted to save me, I’d never let him because I hate he and his father.
“He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.” (Proverbs 29:1) Your eternal soul is nothing to joke about. Repent and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ.
The only Jason lying here is Mr. Solis. Jason Cooley is a man of God and I thank “Cooley & The Gang” (lol) from the bottom of my heart for all they´re putting out there for us. If it wasn´t for his ministry and great testimonies of his brothers, I´d feel pretty desperate and lonely since there are not many people left in this world who speak the truth and nothing but the truth, and do so loudly and clearly. Greetings from Germany.
Save your worthless pleading and your equally unwelcome scripture quoting, Burnham. You have no power to stop me and neither does your God. I will spend every day of my life normalizing homosexuality and spreading seeds of doubt in children and there is nothing God can do because he can only send me to the pit once. I have no fear of the God of imbeciles and the liars. When I do eventually march on to perdition, I won’t be going alone.
Well, God gave women a brain, therefore they can think. God also says to love your woman they way t love my church, not Jason Cooley. You know what i think? He could be a muslim in disguise. I hope iam dead wrong, butbyhey way hevtreats femakes, well i was 20 years in the army. Iam well proud of it. He is good in exposesing Hollywood, the government and he des not fall for that 501c3 scam. Kudos to him for that. I wonder what is
on his tablet and now that horrible big beard, if he stil had it. Hmm something to n think about. He is great in exposing tv and the entertainment industry.
Jason is courageous and outspoken, we need preachers like that. But please don’t discriminate women or girls, Jesus didn’t, Jason forgot.
I am thankful that the Lord has called me to publicly proclaim His word and to be named in the following article, I wish to set the record straight about the article-it is inaccurate as to some matters. Old Paths Baptist Church street preachers love and are concerned about the salvation of all people, no matter what their particular besetting sin(s). They preach in many forums. Although some react negatively to their efforts and mischaracterize what they are doing, they continue in their efforts, some are saved and some remain condemned.
John 3:17-18: “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.”
There are several errors in the article which is to be expected. The lost misrepresented and lied about our Lord Jesus Christ before and after his death, burial, and resurrection and until this very day. In fact, the lost, including the religious crowd have always lied about God’s children who are actually obeying Him in their walk.
See https://jeraldfinney.wordpress.com/b-messages-from-pastor/street-preaching/ for more information
First of all you knuckle dragger, show us proof that your god is real! You and jason keep talking all this shit about how god’s gonna send all us sodomites to hell, well, how do you know that? Is there a private line to the almighty that you and jason have that we don’t? And of course, as far as showing us jesus in the flesh, you can’t do it because, you and jason and all those numbnuts at that group meeting have been indoctrinated so deeply with this belief that an invisible man exists, yet, you’ve never heard his voice audibly, except in your minds of course, and as far as god providing for you, every nutjob that contributes to your ministry believes the same thing you do so, getting money is easy, remember, jason used to be a salesman, so he utilizes those salesman techniques of his to rob people of their money then say god provided, it’s the ultimate con job, and I’m amazed people in the 21st century are still falling for it. Show us actual physical evidence that jesus existed then maybe we might believe you, but since you can’t, you rely totally on faith, then everything you say is truth is only in your minds, so keep it there and leave the lgbt community alone. Remember the old saying, the good people will do the best they can, the worst will do the worst they can, if you want good people to do evil things, give them baptist teachings. You and your circle of assholes are the most wicked, vile, disgusting shitheads on planet earth.
Seems like Jason Cooley is saying that he has proof that Mr. Solis is a wicked pervert, yet he hasn’t shown us anything proving that. And I’m sure he never will because, he’s the kind of person that if you don’t check his facts or he knows that you’re ignorant of the facts, then he will lie. Maybe these turds should provide some evidence before they open up those cocksuckers of theirs. So if all you sheep that follow this wolf in sheeps clothing, be aware that Cooley also hasn’t proven that god even exists. And I’ve heard him say that “God takes care of me” No he doesn’t, brainless people send you money or your swine at your closed assembly donate, not because they want to, but because they know you’re a worthless cunt who will make up anything to get what he needs or get the attention he desperately needs to continue on the narcissistic path of self glorification. Oh, and to cooleys wife, Jason Solis never said those things about you, for all we know one of your friends of assembly shitheads did. Somebody named anonymous did and all Pj Alexander and Aaron Marshall did was evil surmise, oh yeah, I was there when Cooley preached that sermon, so to all the congregation at OPBC, get out while you can, when your mind is poisoned by this evil man and his henchmen, it will be too late to turn back, you’re gonna end up like Paul, he did his best to do right, then Cooley kicked him out, you could be next.
Not only is the message shit, they smell like it too!! I was near dinkytown when these ass clowns were preaching about 5 feet from Magus Bookstore. I tried to go around them, and I think one of them farted, the smell was so vile and disgusting, I walked next door just to gather my bearings. Those idiots should have the good common sense to spew fecal matter somewhere else, not only the gas coming out of their assholes, but the shit coming out of their mouths. DISGUSTING!!! on so many levels. You guys need to start eating some fruit and lay off the fast food!! Damn!! And take a shower too, your B.O. is just as bad. Do your wives suck those nasty dicks of yours? Maybe their vag’s stink too…..
I saw that aaron marshall at the metallica concert and I have only one question, does that douchebag ever clean the seat on that wheelchair, that thing has got to smell like old limburger cheese and tuna, ooooo, he’s nasty. lol!!
To Mr. Whitehead,
You are correct kind sir, I haven’t seen a shred of evidence implicating Mr. Solis as a wicked pervert…. Sounds to me that this narcissistic maniac will say anything to humiliate people or turn the odds in his favor. I just recently saw these inbreds at Magus Bookstore again, Jasons sidekick, Nate Marino was using some sort of amplifying device to preach, of course, someone tries to call him out on their shit, but, as usual, Nate and Jason try to drown them out so that only they can be heard. Thy didn’t give that man a chance to finish a sentence, to the people at Magus Bookstore…. How long are you gonna let these bastards disturb your business before you do something about it? There must be a way legally to stop them from spewing out hatred in front of a legitimate business. To the owner, you might want to look into that. To the nice man being drowned out by Marino, next time Cooleys cronies get in front, just punch them in the mouth!! Knock some teeth out, maybe the group will pray that his teeth mysteriously regenerate, lol And to Mr. Cooley, with the sadistic smile, you seem to enjoy creating chaos and disrupting businesses, well, I hope someone teaches you a lesson, the hard way, and no invisible man in the sky is going to save you, and you are going to deserve everything you get, you can only piss off people for so long before they retaliate, and when they do, I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes. So go ahead and enjoy the moment. You didn’t win that day, you just pushed the people even more into hurting you one day.
I’ve heard that Cooley has 5 kids. 4 girls and 1 boy. Well, in my research, I’ve learned that boys, with only sisters for siblings, grow up to be a sister to… I hope that’s the case, cause it’s gonna be sweet when Cooleys boy comes up to him and tells him he loves to suck dick. lol I’m waiting for the day. Oh, to Mr. Cooley, I would (just like the rest of the people) like to see some evidence about jason being a wicked pervert also. If you don’t then you are just another lying bigot who uses the cloak of christianity to justify your hatred of gays and non-christians. You can’t simply say things and expect people to believe you. That might work in your church, but it won’t work in the real world. Provide some evidence or shut the fuck up!!! And after seeing your pics on facebook, you seriously need to see a dentist, your mouth is a train wreck! are you expecting god to heal your teeth? if you expecting god to do it, no amount of praying is going to heal that massively infected gingivitis mouth of yours. just saying. Your mouth is nothing to fuck with.
The only thing this Jason Cooley wants is to be noticed, he just wants to be in front of the camera, these whole roadside updates crap is just that, crap!! This man is a megalomaniacal, capricious, self-righteous, self-absorbed, egotistical, flamboyant, mean spirited douchebag!! It’s all about him and no one else!! He’s no different than the other piece of shit preachers out there. (Except, the other preachers have a dental plan, and he obviously doesn’t.) lol I hope those choppers fall out you bastard!!
Lmao. I wonder if Mr. Fantastic and his merry little band of hate mongers know that sucking cock is sodomy. Jerking off is another big no no in the BuyBull.
Hey Finney! Did Austin get sick of your poor lawyer skills and kick you out or did Cooley find you a submissive baby factory to poke as often as you’d like.
You guys are sad excuses for men. Scared of women being equal and harassing homosexuals just because your god is overly concerned about who is tickling who’s genitalia and exactly how that tickling goes down.
Hope those tinfoil hats aren’t putting pressure on you brains. Disney doesn’t promote pedophilia, idiots!
Btw, Jason. You kicked me off of your Facebook page. Lol. Truth hurts I guess. I still think you’re just a con man. ?
[…] Column followed the church’s activities early last year in an article titled, “Meet the street preachers harassing ‘sodomites’ in downtown Minneapolis.” Pearson and a group of about a half-dozen men have been protesting LGBTQ events throughout 2016 […]
God bless these righteous men for their Godly stand against this crime against nature and God’s laws!! These sexual perverts need to be gotten rid of by going back to the laws of this land when morality still meant something. These deviants need to be taken out of society before they get a chance to pollute anymore young minds and destroy more souls.
Tell you what pastor douche. Why don’t you start burning witches and stoning homosexuals in the land and let’s see if the people are behind you, you ignorant ass. Because I’m sure when you get to prison for those crimes, the sodomites would love to take your anus and turn it into a piece of chewed bubblegum. You christians are all alike. All gullible and all wicked.
[…] Article: Meet the street preachers harassing “sodomites” in downtown Minneapolis (020816) […]
First off lemme say That I absolutely love Old Paths Baptist Church. Jason Cooley is one of the best Pastors out there cause he preaches it all (the whole Bible and not a few chapters like a most) and says the truth, no matter how good or bad it is. I’m not from the States but I watched all of his Street preaching videos. He’s got a lot of balls and I admire that. So many lost souls and Devils pass by with their empty looks. He’s risking a lot so he can be there and open their eyes. America is in a special type of Trance and the people are so stupid, decieved and misled. Listen to SODOMITES. I don’t care what your government says where I come from Sodomy is not common, normal and when and where I grew up you’d get beaten ok and the cops wouldn’t help you but beat you even more. Just because you’re a Sodomite. ‘m not saying that is right. But we have let this all go to far. We’re owned by the govt. everybody does what they want and just point fingers at each other. It’ ain’t right, it ain’t human and most importantly it ain’t Christian. We’re turning more and more into Zombies. Cooley is something else. He has brought me back to Christ. All I’m sayin’ is all the people who wrote bad comments here like the Anonymous and some others are Lost souls who need to repent and find Christ. I know they will probably be mad when they read this. I don’t care though, It’s the truth. Just like it’s true that God hates Sodomites, calls them Abominations. When I read the comments full of hate towards Padre Cooley and his awesome Preachers I sense fear, hate, doubt, insecurity…all the emotions of a Lost soul. I know what I’m talking about because less than 3 years ago I was one of these lost souls. Drunk, drugged on the floor. I overdosed 2ce and had numerous Blackout….All alone, didn’t have anybody and didn’t believe in God. I had a very similar mindset, the way I talked, behaved all of it. It’s all insecurity. So , better repent, find Christ and stop TROLLING these awesome Warriors of God! Amen………..God BLESS you OPBC!
Our Heavenly Father weeps for us and the vast majority of people would rather refuse a free gift of grace and mercy for the temporary pleasures of sin. No doubt we are in the last days as the evidence presents itself daily… unabated and unbridled. We are told right is wrong and wrong is right, there’s no God and do what feels right. Everyone has a God shaped hole in their soul that won’t be filled by ANYTHING other than that of our Creator. Like it or not (1) humans didn’t evolve (2)marriage is one man and one woman (3)Jesus died for all of us and the best of all… (4)every knee will bow and every tounge will confess.
Praise God the Father for our Savior Jesus Christ who freely gave his life to redeem humanity and allow us to boldly enter the throne room of the Most High. In the twinkling of an eye there will be a change, maybe soon, maybe not, guaranteed that it will be like a thief in the night, that said, I look to the coming of the groom for His bride and all I can say to that is Lord come quickly.
Another brainwashed christian thinking that praying is gonna help. It’s rather sad really when you think about it.
Another brainwashed christian thinking that praying is gonna help. It’s rather sad really when you think about that. Think about that weirdo.
I´d like to retract the comment I made about “Cooley and the Gang” a few years ago. I have seen and heard enough of Jason Cooley by now to know that *he* is the one that needs to repent, and most probably be saved in the first place. Apart from the fact that there is lots of unbiblical stuff he “preaches” – or better said YELLS at his audience which hurts the Spirit in you, he is a very prideful, arrogant slanderer and railer degrading and gaslighting people for his sadistic pleasure.
He twists the things you say, laughs about you, leaves out certain pieces of information to make you look like a lunatic when in reality *he* is the one projecting his own mental disorder onto others. This guy should see a professional treating people with narcissistic personality disorder, but then again NPD is incurable and Cooley is the best example for it. However, the worst problem though is that it´s not a “disorder”, it´s an evil spirit and it´s very bad.
I have seen people severly hurt by his narcissism, cruelty and lack of empathy and whatever you tell him he will eventually twist and use against you to hurt you severly. RUN from this guy! He has also attacked me personally twice, calling me names, making stuff up about me without even knowing who I am. He´s NOTHING of a MEEK pastor as commanded in the bible! MARK AND AVOID !!!
Preach it! Pastor Cooley. I love this man for being brave enough to tell them the truth. He is no Coward, like most Pastors. They just lie to the people so they can get rich. Pastor Cooleys reward will be great in heaven.
We need more brave preachers like Pastor Cooley.
Ever notice that the MOST vocal homophobes are the ones that turn out to be closeted? Instead of embracing Bronze Age foolishness, why don’t they just accept THEMSELVES as they are, embrace their sexuality and enjoy life? Bradlee Dean is another prime example.
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