Home blog Katherine Kersten’s gay friends don’t like gay marriage either?

Katherine Kersten’s gay friends don’t like gay marriage either?


Minnpost.com published an interview with Star Tribune columnist Katherine Kersten in which Kersten says that an unidentified “gay leadership” are silencing the voices of “the gay community.”

It’s enlightening to hear Kersten praise members of the very community she consistently criticizes.

I think there’s the majority of gay people, who intend to live good, ordinary lives, and who don’t feel a vindictive loathing of norms and limits in human society.

But then there are people in the “gay rights” leadership — or in the leadership of the same-sex marriage movement — who take a radical view. They want to see an upending of the institution of marriage. I mean, that’s very clear. There’s lots of evidence that some of these people would like to see, essentially, the end of marriage as an institution altogether. In its place you’d see a variety of civil unions, of the kind I just mentioned.

It’s clear that Kersten has no clue what she is talking about. She says there’s “lot’s of evidence” but can’t seem to actually present any. What gay leadership? OutFront Minnesota? They’ve been criticized over the years for NOT speaking loudly enough about gay marriage. Project 515? Their goal isn’t gay marriage, but relationship equality. And the Human Rights Campaign is constantly vilified for not being effective at much of anything.

According to Kersten, there are gays who agree with her.

Among them were a couple of really moving and private emails from gay people who said, “I agree with you, but I wouldn’t dare say this to my gay friends.”

It was clear to me that these people aren’t self-dramatizers — reflexive victims, like many in the gay leadership — and they are being silenced. The shrill tone of the leadership is having a chilling effect in the gay community.

Again, no mention of who these censoring gay leaders are. And a couple of emails doesn’t exactly make a community consensus.

“Marriage is a universal institution, across the world, through time. It has always involved two people of opposite sexes,” Kersten says.

That’s completely false, of course. William Beeman, chair of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Minnesota, eviscerated Kersten’s claims by citing actual research and concluded:

The American Anthropological Association issued a statement some years ago denouncing the incorrect notion that marriage is exclusively male-female among human societies. It is a scientific fact that such marriage arrangements have been institutionalized for millennia without affecting the institution of heterosexual marriage.

Kersten should get her facts straight before making pronouncements based on her own fantasies about human nature.