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Citizen Audit has posted the last IRS 990 form for Bradlee Dean’s Sons of Liberty Radio ministry, and the screenshot above documents that the street teams are no more:
The organization has made a change in their program services and ceased street teams ministry fall of 2013. The street team ministry was the heart and soul of the daily outreach but in order to have a larger captive audience the radio and event ministry will be pursued stronger.
We’re not sure how radio is a captive audience, though if Dean’s still getting school assembly gigs, a case can be made for that definition.
And there’s this expense for suing Rachel Maddow:
In addition to Bradlee Dean Smith, his wife and her parents, Midas Resources and Genesis Communications Network mogul Ted Anderson (who brings us Alex Jones) and Gun Owners of America president Larry Pratt serve on the Sons of Liberty board of directors. GCN distributes the SOL radio show.
SOL also appears to have a few staffers on board, and a recent press release announced that the Bradlee Dean’s My War [is] Coming to Primetime on The Dove Television Network:
The Dove television network will be carrying Bradlee Dean’s series My War beginning September 16, 2014. The series will continue over the course of several months every Tuesday at 8:30pm PST, with repeats at different times during the program schedule.
Tune in for more updates.
Bradlee Dean came to national attention when a prayer he gave as guest chaplain in the Minnesota House questioned President Obama’s faith, and later when he unsuccessfully sued Rachel Maddow for defamation for discussing what he said on his show.