Home Feature Citizens press for rainbow lighting of Lowry Bridge for Pride

Citizens press for rainbow lighting of Lowry Bridge for Pride

Citizens press for rainbow lighting of Lowry Bridge for Pride

Derek Harley wants the Lowry Avenue Bridge lit up like a rainbow for Pride, especially in light of the Supreme Court decision striking part of DOMA on Wednesday. Harley did quite a bit of legwork in a post circulating on Facebook, so we are presenting it here in full. (Harley has been the driving force in bringing the Mr. Friendly campaign to Minnesota.)

This morning I posted a simple question to the Hennepin County Facebook page about the Lowry Bridge. I asked the Lowry Bridge would be lit in Rainbow as a reflection of support the county’s GLBT citizens during Pride and this historic time in our lives. The bridge is a literal beacon of hope to our younger generations and a sign of support of our community!!

The County PR Rep responded with the following statement: “Our County Board is currently establishing a lighting policy for the Lowry Bridge. At this time we are leaving the bridge with the current blue lighting.”

I posted this to my Facebook page and as it turns out, this did not sit well with many people. People have started contacting the Board to get the bridge lit in Rainbow colors. As the day has gone on, we have learned that the discussion around lighting the bridge in Rainbow colors was started as a political play by 1 or more of the conservative County Commissioners when presented with a vote to light it for Pride.

Commissioner Linda Higgins clarified that the only time the Lowry bridge has been lit in Rainbow colors was during testing in October. It was not lit in Rainbow colors during the Marriage Equality rallies in May. She also added that they did try to get it lit in Rainbow colors for Pride but she and two others were in the minority. Here is her statement:
“We didn’t actually light it that day in May either, although I wanted to. People posted on Facebook a picture that was taken when we were testing the lights last October.

I’m disappointed that the county is not going to light the bridge to celebrate Pride, especially after today’s DOMA decision that adds to the victory. Our board is divided on whether to light the bridge, and sadly my opinion is in the minority. I wish it weren’t so.”

Now I share this here. On a day that has been historic for us, conservative members of the County Board have chosen to “punt” on the decision to light the bridge until a policy is in place. While I and others understand the need for a policy, the conservative Board members appear to have chosen lighting it in Rainbow for Pride as their opportunity to decide that they need a policy for it.

On the weekend of 12/29/2012 the Lowry Bridge was illuminated in purple and gold for the Vikings. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9r3LllCJzbE)

On election day 2012, the bridge was illuminated in Red, White, and Blue. (http://kstp.com/article/stories/s2825739.shtml)

And the bridge was designed with limitless possibilities.

Now, there seems to be an issue with changing the color scheme and they have chosen Pride to be the factor that is going define the need for a policy.

In the overall scheme of Pride, Equality, and GLBT Awareness this is a small issue; however, it has been made a larger issue by Commissioners who chose Pride to punt this decision.

Why not agree to the request in front you (light the bridge for Pride) and immediately pass a moratorium on lighting schemes until the policy is in place. Ohh…and hurry up with that policy.

If you would like to contact the Commissioners who voted against lighting the bridge for Pride email or call them here:

FYI: Mike Opat is the Chairman of the Board, if we would like to try and get this lit for Pride, it seems we need to persuade him to call Commissioner to meet and vote again tomorrow or Friday.

Mike Opat
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 612-348-7881

Randy Johnson
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 612-348-7885

Jan Callison
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 612-348-7886

Jeff Johnson
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 612-348-7887

If you reshare this, please include “post” with the reshare that people take the time to read the post and not just look at the pretty picture of the Rainbow TEST.