Home Feature Minnesota for Marriage posts billboards

Minnesota for Marriage posts billboards

Minnesota for Marriage posts billboards

Minnesota for Marriage is placing 25 billboards in urban areas across the Twin Cities, Duluth, St. Cloud and Rochester.

KSTP has a picture of one of the billboards in St. Paul.

“Protecting the definition of marriage as between one man and one woman and ensuring that kids, along with their moms and dads, remain part of the marital union is a big deal for the majority of Minnesotans, so we knew we needed big signs reminding everyone to VOTE YES on November 6th,” said Autumn Leva, Spokesperson for Minnesota for Marriage, in a press release.
The billboards feature pictures of couples and families with the words “Marriage = One Man + One Woman” and “Vote YES.”

“We are thankful to our many supporters who have donated thousands of dollars to make this advertising possible. Our new billboards are a tool to help spread the word that children need their mothers and fathers and that marriage needs to be protected in Minnesota,” said John Helmberger, Chairman of Minnesota for Marriage. “We are working hard in these final weeks before the election and will do our part to ensure that marriage is protected in Minnesota for the sake of our kids and grandkids,” he added.

Minneapolis’ iconic First Avenue music venue put up a billboard in opposition to the amendment. And the Guerrilla Girls put a vote no billboard up in Minneapolis featuring amendment backer Michele Bachmann.