Home blog MN Catholics: It’s “our job to morally guide the broader culture” on homosexuality

MN Catholics: It’s “our job to morally guide the broader culture” on homosexuality


Catholics in Minnesota are not content to tell other Catholics how to live their lives, they feel it’s their job to “morally guide the broader culture” and are engaging in public campaigns and lobbying legislators for the “good of all people, including those of us of other faiths, or no faith at all.” In the Archdiocese newspaper, the Catholic Spirit, Catholic leaders from around the state are defending their activities and they’re more than happy to impose their beliefs on the rest of us:

Because the church views marriage as a sacrament instituted by God, rooted in Scripture, and affirmed by natural law, changing its view of marriage as something between one man and one woman is outside of its power. And because it seeks to morally guide the broader culture, the church does not support civil gay unions under any title.

“We believe this is an issue not just about the religious meaning of marriage, but the natural, human meaning that affects the common good of all people, including those of us of other faiths, or no faith at all,” Father Michael Skluzacek, pastor of St. John the Baptist in New Brighton, said at the Oct. 27 gathering.

“Every person, no matter what their attraction, is entitled to the same rights, dignity, and respect as everyone else,” he said. “But what the church cannot do, and what we’re saying the state cannot do, is redefine an institution that has been ordained by God and a part of our very nature as human beings. This is not about rights, but about the meaning of an institution, the meaning of marriage — what is it.”

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Andy Birkey has written for a number of Minnesota and national publications. He founded Eleventh Avenue South which ran from 2002-2011, wrote for the Minnesota Independent from 2006-2011, the American Independent from 2010-2013. His writing has appeared in The Advocate, The Star Tribune, The Huffington Post, Salon, Cagle News Service, Twin Cities Daily Planet, TheUptake, Vita.mn and much more. His writing on LGBT issues, the religious right and social justice has won awards including Best Beat Reporting by the Online News Association, Best Series by the Minnesota chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists, and an honorable mention by the Sex-Positive Journalism awards.


  1. This is extremely frustrating to read. Because if you take the historical context of the Bible and use some common sense, marriage between two people of the same sex really isn’t considered bad in our times. If the Bible is a historical document, why is it always read with today’s viewpoints on the issue instead of taking the context that it should be in? If that makes sense. Taking what I learned out of the MOCC conference readers of the Bible would better understand the passages that condemn homosexuality as unimportant. It isn’t even a large part of the Bible. There are larger concepts at stake. Ugh, my mind is all confused with this one.

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