In one wiretap from last December, [Ehiem’s assistant Lorenzo] Renzi is heard explaining the rules of engagement: “You’ll get up to 2,000 euros … Do not touch his balls. You need the money. Put on some music, take out the [inaudible], swallow the Viagra, and adelante!”

California – California newspapers are pointing out that the initial report that state Sen. Roy Ashburn was at a huge Sacramento gay club before being pulled over for a DUI has no sources backing it up. Still, that hasn’t stopped many, including West Sacramento’s openly gay mayor, from coming forward and saying they ‘knew all along.’ Maybe a reporter decided to take Ashburn down by faking a situation so he could reveal an open secret? (The Advocate, Joe.My.God)
D.C. – The heads of various services are lining up against a DADT repeal, potentially spelling trouble for the legislation when the US Congress has, in recent years, made a habit of abdicating practical civilian control of the military on important issues. (The Advocate, DC Agenda)
D.C. – An adoption anti-discrimination bill gets a re-boot. (DC Agenda)
California – Plan: 1) Find a homo, 2) shoot him in the face with the BB gun in a drive-by, 3) videotape the whole thing to make it so much easier to convict us of what amounts to low-grade terrorism. (Joe.My.God)
California – More details emerge in a horrendous kidnapping-rape-murder case in San Diego. (The Advocate)
Poland – The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Poland cannot discriminate against a same-gender couples, despite the country’s constitution declaration that marriage is the “union of a man and a woman.” (Towleroad)