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SD 63 LGBT Caucus Begins Work


This article is part of a series about LGBT organizing efforts in Senate District 63 which encompasses northeast Bloomington, all of Richfield and part of south Minneapolis. Check out the previous installment, SD 63 LGBT Caucus Community Organizing.

The LGBT Caucus in SD 63 had it’s first meetings this week. The energy starting this effort is amazing. A lot more people are needed to help with our grassroots organizing efforts.

The LGBT Caucus for SD 63 is being organized from the inspiration of the National Equality March and has three objectives

1. Hold our elected officials accountable to their campaign promises through consistent reminders and requests for urgent action.

2. Call on all individuals concerned about LGBT issues to contact our elected officials, urging their immediate and decisive action on LGBT issues and initiatives.

3. Inform candidates seeking our vote that we anticipate and expect their full, active support by voting pro-LGBT initiatives as their campaigns have promised.

At our first meeting on Tuesday, February 23rd the Caucus’ vision to fulfill our objectives was the main topic of discussion. Plans were made to expand the groups numbers.  At future meetings we plan to set up dates on which Caucus participants will contact Federal Officials by email and/or telephone concerning issues such as marriage  equality, DADT (Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell), the repeal of DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act), an inclusive ENDA (Employment Non-Discrimination Act that includes transgendered people), immigration reform and domestic partner benefits.  This past week President Barack Obama published his Health Care Reform plan on the White House Web-site.  The LGBT provisions that were included in the US House version were not included.  The LGBT Caucus encourages our community to respond to this outrageous move.

Rep. Paul Thissen of House District 63A and Gubernatorial Candidate attended our first meeting and assured us of his support for marriage equality, a reintroduction of the safe-schools bill and single-payer health care.   The LGBT Caucus explained to Rep. Thissen that the current situation in Washington, DC with the LGBT community will require candidates in Minnesota to campaign with assuring determination to convince the LGBT community that when they cast their votes, their candidates will maintain their commitment to pass marriage equality for example, even when the National Organization for Marriage and the Minnesota Family Council threatens them.  Without this assurance many LGBT people may choose not to go to the voting polls.  The LGBT Caucus is working to explain the same to all candidates.

Our Thursday, February 25th meeting included support from PFLAG members, Rep. Linda Slocum, a representative from Matt Entenza’s Campaign and candidate John Marty.  Rep. Slocum mentioned that if LGBT people want to help issues move along in the Minnesota Legislature to be sure to include the bills number (i.e. H.R. 1234),  the author’s name and the  name of the Committee’s Chairperson in our communication with State Legislators.  Candidate John Marty renewed his commitment to marriage equality if elected Governor.  Marty’s on the road campaign materials contain information about his commitment to LGBT equality.

The LGBT Caucus was present at the Senate District 63 Convention held at Richfield Intermediate School on Feb. 27th and elected an alternate delegate to the State Convention in Duluth April 23 to 25th.  The LGBT Caucus will push for a strong Gubernatorial Candidate who will deliver on LGBT issues.

The next meeting for SD 63 LGBT Caucus will be March 25th at 7:00pm at Davanni’s Pizza and Hoagie’s located 8605 Lyndale Ave S in Bloomington.  For more information please send an email to BearBudMN@yahoo.com.  Also, look for MN SD 63 LGBT Caucus’ member page on Facebook.  Everyone is welcome to participate even those who do not live in SD 63.