Minneapolis Public Schools’ Out4Good and St. Paul Public Schools’ Out for Equity have put together a four-part series on gender inclusion in schools. The series, which focuses on “promoting and teaching about the need for gender inclusive schools,” begins Thursday, May 5 and runs through Monday, May 9. Topics include LGBTQ+ Inclusive Curriculum, Constructions of Masculinity, Gender Inclusive Facilities, and Trans Inclusion in Sports.
On Thursday, includes a screening of The Mask You Live In, “a powerful documentary examining the way boys and young men navigate America’s narrow definition of masculinity and how that impacts our notions of gender equity and sexuality.” The film will be followed by a panel discussion featuring Robel Sofonias Tedros, Alfred Walking Bull, Dylan Leavitt-Phibbs, Mario Villeda, John Steinmann, and Michael Mcdowell. The event begins at 6pm at the Davis Center, 1250 W Broadway Ave, Minneapolis.
A book reading and question and answer session will be held on Saturday with I am Jazz author Jessica Herthel to spur conversation about LGBTQ+ inclusive curriculum. The reading will be held at the Davis Center from 11am to 2pm.
“Focus on Facilities: Making Schools Accessible” is the topic for Monday, May 9. According to the event description: “Learn more about the public outreach efforts, student and family leadership, design work, and implementation hurdles that have been part of the process Saint Paul Public Schools has engaged in around making rest-rooms better for all students.” The presentation will also include information about newly remodeled facilities at Johnson High School in St. Paul.
The talk will be held at The Center for Professional Development Agape at 1037 University Ave. W in St. Paul from 5-7pm
On Tuesday, local coaches and athletes will gather to talk about inclusive school athletics. From the event description: “For some students, playing on high school teams leads to future careers in athletics as competitors, coaches, administrators, and athletic trainers. All students, including those who are transgender, deserve access to these benefits.” The talk will be at Saint Paul Public School’s District Offices 360 S. Colborne St. in St. Paul from 6:30 to 8:30pm.
For more information and to RSVP, visit Out4Good.