The Minnesota Child Protection League is hosting a series of talks around the state aimed at opposing gender inclusion. Titled, “Gender Fluidity and other Fables: Understanding the Harm of the Transgender Movement,” the “seminar” is led by Barb Anderson, a staple in Minnesota’s anti-LGBTQ industry.
The seminar is advertised under the banner of “The Raging War on Kids: Equipping the Resistance.”
Anderson is a co-founder of the Minnesota Child Protection League, and a founder of the Parents Action League, a group that lobbied the Anoka Hennepin School District to keep in place anti-LGBTQ policies. She’s also been a researcher for the Minnesota Family Council, a group that got its start defending laws that criminalize LGBTQ people.
The group has scheduled a seminar for Saturday, May 14 at Bethany Baptist Church in Roseville which begins at 8:45am. The seminar includes four workshops: Minnesota’s bullying law; The Kinsey Connection; A Who’s Who of Gender Radicals; and Title IX Federal Law and transgender policies.
On May 10, the group will present to the Greater Minnesota Republican Women in Glencoe City. Last weekend, MNCPL brought their talk to the Northwest Metro Republican Women meeting.
And in early April, the group has hosted a talk in Spicer, Minn. Prior to that talk, MNCPL’s Julie Quist appeared on local radio and gave a fact-challenged summary of the seminar.
West Central Tribune reporter Linda Vanderwerf live-tweeted the talk:
Being Transgender is psychological issue and sign of deep unhappiness. "Gender is not fluid. Feelings are fluid." #antitransspeaker @wctrib
— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 19, 2016
Sexuallly confused children need adults to find them counseling, acc to #antitrans speaker. @wctrib
— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 19, 2016
Children pay high price when taught by gender radical teachers. She is alarmed by growing no. of kids transitioning at young ages. @wctrib
— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 19, 2016
So far, examples to explain attempts to confuse kids abt gender – Alice in Wonderland, Mr Potato Head, Gumby. Lots of pop culture. @wctrib
— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 19, 2016
Planned speaker unable to make it tonight. We are listening to recording of her, folo'd be discussion w Julie Quist. @wctrib #antitrans
— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 19, 2016
This is the opening screen at a speech on the "harm of the Transgender movement." Here for work. @wctrib pic.twitter.com/XLdZciR0Mp
— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 18, 2016
Closing with prayer after almost 2 hours. Pastor says policy defies god. (Made them M and F) another pastor speaks, too. @wctrib
— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 19, 2016
Question, has there been a poll of kids abt Trans policy? One is being conducted, not done yet. #NLS @wctrib
— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 19, 2016
Woman tells girl that she's glad she's here to hear the truth.
Says they are worried about effect of pro-trans policy. @wctrib— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 19, 2016
Girl suggests dialogue with people with different views. "We heard them last week." Then people do talk to them. @wctrib
— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 19, 2016
On a side note, one fellow is complaining that no media here. Not hiding. I'm in the front row. Kids from charter school laughed. @wctrib
— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 19, 2016
A book called "It's Perfectly Normal" is of concern to the group. Saying people are drinking the Kool-aid. #antitrans @wctrib
— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 19, 2016
"We don't have any choice but to fight." Julie Quist. Talking about suing NLS if Trans policy passes. @wctrib
— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 19, 2016
Julie Quist suggests people pull kids from school if Trans policy adopted at NLS Schools. Says sup is good man, but misled. @wctrib
— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 19, 2016
A sheet is passed out – 7 steps back to reality. Affirm gender, protect from indoctrination. @wctrib #antitransspeaker
— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 19, 2016
Julie Quist says they are all here because they love children. Lots of applause from all sides. Pro or anti, all agree with that. @wctrib
— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 19, 2016
This crowd is mixed. A dozen young pple sitting near me. One told me they are "not on board" with #antitrans speaker. Abt 65 ppl. @wctrib
— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 19, 2016
Julie Quist urges people to engage with legislators and school board members. #goodadvice #antitrans @wctrib
— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 19, 2016
Fed Ed Dept is rewriting meaning of Title IX, that is problem we face in this country. Have to push back – Julie Quist #antitrans @wctrib
— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 19, 2016
"The Transgender movement is a house of cards, and we can knock it down." #antitransspeaker @wctrib
— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 19, 2016
Half an hour in, we get to the issue of bathrooms. "Even reg sex offender could folo a girl into a rest room." #antitransspeaker @wctrib
— Linda Vanderwerf (@lindavanderwerf) April 19, 2016
I think organizations like the Child Protection League are thinly-veiled fronts for the Republican party. Their job is to keep low-information voters stirred up so they’ll get out of their trailers and vote for Republicans at the polls. I suspect all of the organizations get their marching orders (and probably their laundered-money funding) from some clandestine Republican operation. Meanwhile freaks like Barb Anderson make a good living trashing other tax-paying citizens.
The seminar is advertised under the banner of “The Raging War on Kids: Equipping the Resistance.”
“Gender Fluidity and other Fables: Understanding the Harm of the Transgender Movement,”
Child Protection League launches anti-transgender seminars around the state. The Mendacious Bigots are out to do their worst. These people are doing more harm to children, than you think they are doing all because of Bigotry. Following the Republican Hitlerites with their WW2 Propaganda tactic of Tell a really BIG LIE, repeating it often, and soon YOU will even believe Your own LIE. Worked for Germans and it is now the Republican “Bathroom Myth”, that has been documented as phoney and fabricated as nothing like it has ever happened. The same as these not so good, fake do gooders are pulling over your eyes. The count on people being Ignorant, so they put false ideas in their heads to help terrorize Transgender Kids.
Anderson is a co-founder of the Minnesota Child Protection League, [UNTRUTH FACT HARMS CHILDREN] and a founder of the Parents Action League, a group that lobbied the Anoka Hennepin School District to keep in place anti-LGBTQ policies. She’s also been a researcher for the Minnesota Family Council, a group that got its start defending laws that criminalize LGBTQ people.
In the above statement she lobbied the Anoka Hennepin School District to keep in place anti-LGBTQ policies. Please look up
The Anoka Hennepin Suicide School District on GOOGLE and check out the full story of all the suicides and why. She is part and parcel of helping these kids to commit suicide with her actions. The school is under the watchful eye of the Department
of Education Title 9, another item to read thoroughly as she is lying about many things covered there. The DOE investigating found the Administration, Teachers, and Students were harassing and taunting the LGBT students and instigating their demise. A court case was started by two of the suicide Kids and s settlement was won against the school district. Much of this was not well said as it doesn’t make Minnesota look good. This was also Senator Bachman’s school district and you know in her talks how hateful she is against LGBT people.
Please do diligent research as to the Lack of Veracity of these people putting on these events. I’ll leave you with this statement.
Robert Lofgren
If you refuse to listen to the Voice of the Transgender community, and instead choose to Speak out of Disdain and Ignorance, be assured that what you are saying is Killing Transgender people. To you, the issue may seem clear-cut….but it dosn’t work in real Lives.
You are Complicit in their Deaths.
Sometimes it really saddens me to see how closed minded our state can be. This is nothing but a distasteful tactic to distract us from real issues while oppressing those we don’t understand. Shame on the CPL for being hateful, you are the real threat to our children. I pray the Lord leads you from the dark and you realize how bigoted these seminars truly are.
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