Home blog Friends Dining with Friends Kicks Off to support Clare Housing

Friends Dining with Friends Kicks Off to support Clare Housing


ClarelogoClare Housing, a local non-profit housing and support services provider for people living with AIDS has announced its 2010 Friends Dining With Friends season.  The first party of the year was held last evening by Kathy Olson and Friends in downtown Minneapolis.  The concept behind this unique form of fundraising and awareness has been a successful initiative used by Clare Housing for the past 8 years.  

In 2008, 18 parties were held raising nearly $70,000. Parties included such themes as Brats, Beer & Bingo, Afternoon High Tea, gourmet dinners, birthdays and anniversaries. Since there are very few direct expenses for Clare Housing, all proceeds will directly support their programs to serve people with HIV/AIDS.  Lee Haugee – Lavender Magazine’s 2007 Fab Community Volunteer – is Clare Housing’s Event Coordinator.  Beyond being warm and engaging, Lee is extremely helpful in organizing an event.  Clare Housing will provide support and assistance in organizing the house parties to galas that last year boasted 95 percent of the monies raised going directly into programs and services to clients.

fdwf_logoIf you are looking for a good way to enjoy the company of your friends and family while helping out a great cause, consider hosting an event for this season’s Friends Dining with Friends.  For more information about FDF and Clare Housing Lee can be contacted at lee.haugee@clarehousing.org or by calling 612.236.9527