Paul Ridgeway is the host of “On the Way with Ridgeway,” the flagship, drive-time program of AM 980 KKMS, and he is concerned that the “gay community” is trying to destroy Christianity. Ridgeway, who has hosted the program since the fall of 2012, has quickly become a leading voice for conservative Christians in Minnesota, and his show has become a must-do for Republican politicians (and occasionally DFLers), activist groups, charities and businesses looking to make inroads among evangelicals.
Since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of marriage equality on June 26, Ridgeway has devoted most of his air time to whipping up anger among evangelicals. The following are some highlights from the hours of air-time Ridgeway has devoted to the issue.
On Monday, June 29, Ridgeway accused the “gay community” of going after pastors and priests and dared them to go after Islamic religious leaders:
Ridgeway: Folks, don’t you see that we are being buttonholed and limited because we differ with the sinful world? And the fact of the matter is that’s going to increase in dramatic ways because this Supreme Court decision is really a religious decision. On a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court of the United States has redefined marriage completely differently than the Bible does. And when you do that there are going to be all kinds of consequences. But one thing is this: that the gay community is going to come after we Christians, our churches, our radio stations, our speaking out, those of us that are pastors, et cetera, that they’re going to come after us, and you are going to see more and more and more of that. They are not fearful doing it. They are not embarrassed of the fact they attack us. But if we dare stand in opposition, then we are hate mongers, we’re narrow-minded, we are bigots, whatever. But when they come after us, which they are already doing openly, well we are just fair game. Somebody said something very profound today, it’s going to be interesting to see the gay community in this court decision force Islamic Mullahs to do marriage with gays. Boy will that be interesting. ‘Cause your not going to see that happen, but if we are going to be fair, if the gay community is going to try to force pastors and priests to do homosexual marriage, let them force the mullahs, Islamic leaders to do the same. I don’t think they are going to do that. I don’t think they are even going to dare to do that.
To date, there are no known cases of ordained religious leaders in the United States being compelled by the government to officiate a same-sex wedding, nor are there any known lawsuits pending against ordained religious leaders who have refused to officiate same-sex weddings.
Later in the June 29 broadcast, Ridgeway took a call from “Sharon” who thinks that Christians will be imprisoned “similar to the Holocaust.” Ridgeway said he thinks “that day is coming.”
Ridgeway: Do you think judgment is already on America and do you think it’s coming? And also us Christians we are going to be attacked more openly and aggressively because many are saying since this Supreme Court decision… so Sharon in Minneapolis, I want to hear your comments and thoughts on the Supreme Court decision.
Sharon: Thank you. I have been wondering for a few years if Christians will be imprisoned for their faith, similar to the Holocaust, where we start losing our privileges slowly and not overtly, but eventually imprisoned just because we are Christians.
Ridgeway: You know Sharon? It’s interesting, I would have through until the last few years you and I would ever have the discussion like this on radio and be sincere about it, but I think that day is coming and I’ll tell you the articles I’m reading — Salem broadcasting that owns our station and 106 stations across America and gives me a lot of briefing material and it’s a good article by Rod Dreher senior editor for the blog of the American Conservative, he has the headline of his article, ‘Orthodox Christians must now learn to live as exiles in our own country,’ and then our own Salem broadcast thing put out that religious liberty is greatly imperiled by the Supreme Court decision. I think you are right. Its scary days ahead.
On July 2, Ridgeway claimed that the left lied about marriage equality and that they want to treat faith-based nonprofits like the Russians and Chinese do:
Ridgeway: It is interesting how the left has lied — that’s why they are called the left. The gay community, bisexual, all that, said, ‘Oh no no no. We are going to give you your freedom if we get our rights.’ They are already calling for tax exemption and they’re also… some are calling for a two-tiered system like the Chinese and Russians do. If you go along with our rules and agree to gay marriage, you’ll keep your 501c3. Those that disagree, you’re the minority, you’re the enemy. We’ll take it away from you and they are already calling for that.
Later in the July 2 broadcast, Ridgeway blamed those who voted for Obama for the Supreme Court decision after playing a clip of Obama celebrating as the White House was lit in rainbow colors:
Ridgeway: Folks, that’s your president saying that’s a moment to savor. It’s a cool thing. It’s a good thing that homosexual marriage is now the law. Folks, and those of you that claim to be Christians and voted for this man whether you voted for him in 2008 or reelection in 2012, shame on you and I have some even black pastors, ‘oh we are going to support him because he’s African American.’ Well, I understand the first time, but after seeing what he stood for they voted for him the second time on race not on issues. I oppose Obama not because he’s black. I’m thrilled this nation voted for an African American president. I oppose this president because of the positions he’s taken: infanticide when he was in the Illinois legislature. abortion, he’s proud of it. His daughter he said, ‘my daughter can have an abortion.’ Okay, now we got gay marriage in America. You need to be repenting before God for those of you that voted for him. You ought to be repenting before God.
On July 6, warned of the slippery slope: “I said months ago that the gay community has an agenda far beyond the marriage issue and they’ve even said that its transgender, etc, now the polygamists are coming. The Pandora’s box is open.”
On July 7, Ridgeway talked about the the Kleins, former owners of Sweetcakes, who were found to have violated Oregon’s nondiscrimination laws when it refused service to a same-sex couple. Aaron Klein even told the mother of one of the brides when she returned to complain that her daughter was sinful quoting Leviticus 18:22: “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.”
Ridgeway used that violation of the law — nondiscrimination has been the law in Oregon since 2008 — to prove that the “gay community is coming after us.”
Ridgeway: Folks if you think we are being under attack — and I’m not being paranoid — if you really look in the news and hear what you are seeing on tv and radio, just what people are saying, do you think there’s an attack and are people going to move on our First Amendment rights? We are not going to be able to talk about things because certainly the Klein’s, who were defined $135,000 dollars for not cooking baking a cake for a gay couple. They are paying for not only financial, but now the administrative judge told them they can’t talk about what they believe baloney they are just disobeying and going to talk about it anyway, Todd Starnes of FOX has been warning for a long time this is coming, the lesbian, gay, transsexual community they are after us, there’s not freedom of speech with that group. It’s their way or the highway.
Later on July 7, Ridgeway said that Satan stole the rainbow from God and gave it to the gay community:
Ridgeway: You know my Pastor Dan Johnson on Sunday, boy he gave a wonderful sermon, balance about love and truth but also I thought he had kind of a — and I mean this in the right way — a very wise thing to do if you see a gay symbol in your workplace or somebody’s car. You can start a dialogue saying that symbol is really God’s promise that he would never destroy the world again by flood, and that he brought safety to a lost world, and I think Satan clearly took that symbol, to push it in God’s face and put it in the gay community as their symbol. Pastor Dan said let’s take our symbol back that God talks about.
Ridgeway is a Bully Bigot, Rabble Rouser. Ignorant of Reality Idiot. Just who would have a person officiating at their Ceremony that would hate the persons life style they are Bringing Together. I don’t think any one would, so It’s really a Mute subject for all but Mr. Ridgeway. Just another Bigot who uses the Christian Shield for his RANTS. In reality how can a Person call himself a Christian, when so called Christians of today do not live or Practice anything that Their Christ Person Lived, Taught or Exemplified in his Life. His followers are of the same Ilk, and like His Rants for it follows their UN-Christian Views.
The real kicker among Ridgeway’s many lies and distortions is the notion that the Oregon bakery was “fined” $135,000 because of the service denial itself. As detailed in the below article, the $135,000 was a damage award in a civil trial: After the women complained to the state over the denial of service, Aaron Klein **published their names and addresses**, an act found to have given rise to suffering and emotional distress (in part due to the death threats the couple received as a result).
Fundies, remember, your Sky Wizard also dislikes false witness!!!!
Call me 612 478 8356 your nephew Dewey
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