With just days before the end of the 2015 legislative session, the Minnesota Family Council and the Minnesota Child Protection League are organizing support for a provision in a K-12 education omnibus bill that would block transgender-inclusive school policies.
On Wednesday on AM 980 KKMS, MNCPL board member Julie Quist spoke with host Paul Ridgeway. Both repeatedly gave out the phone numbers and district information of conference committee members and urged listeners to contact them.
Ridgeway: But we can’t assume the Republicans are all going to vote the right way because all these 10 but especially republicans are getting enormous pressure from gay lobbyists and we need your help… this affects your children and grandchildren and we are getting more to a transgender culture. In fact the Minneapolis and St. Paul school systems are using that right now and we’ve got to be clear: men are men, women are women, boys are boys, girls are girls and if we get into a transgender, which is the gay community’s goal, we are going to have a society that just goes down the tube because marriage licenses, birth certificates, showers, everything just starts collapsing around us and folks, this is not a joke. It’s a serious threat. That’s why we need your help. I want you to get your paper and pencil ready, because I’m going to tell you who they’re committee members are…
Julie this is so crucial because this whole push by the gay community is to go transgender and now the Minnesota High School League has done it Minneapolis and St. Paul is now using kind of generic terms for gender. This is from the pits of hell.
Later in the interview, Quist admitted that some Republicans see the MNCPL as overreacting to the issue:
Quist: I tell you what one Republican state senator who actually voted against the student personal privacy amendment told me that we, CPLA, are making this a bigger issue than it should be just by trying to pass legislation protecting children from something that will never happen.
Ridgeway: Why can he say that when it is allowing a person who thinks he’s a girl to shower with the girls and vice versa? That’s a factual statement.
Quist: Right and I said, are you aware of what St. Paul and Minneapolis have already put into place, no, no she wasn’t aware. Well I mean…the other side is filling them with all kinds of: ‘Oh this should be a local school decision….and so what we really need to do is we need to swamp the legislators with our outcry and i want you to know that as far as the conference committee, you don’t have to live just in that district in order to contact the conference committee.
Ridgeway: Of course not. Anyone can call them….
Ridgeway then blamed Satan for LGBT inclusive policies:
Ridgeway: We’ve lost the war if we don’t step forward right now…. It’s wrong it’s from the pits of hell… this is Satan coming against our culture at its foundation. He has attacked the family… He has attacked the schools, and he is attacking out government and our whole system of what we believe is right and wrong. We’ve got to stop it.
The Minnesota Child Protection League also sent an email to its supporters to contact the conference committee. The group wrote:
Meanwhile, ten Omnibus Education Bill conference committee members are waiting on that deal before they decide what the final education bill will look like. Along with the education finances is this critical decision: whether the final education legislation will protect children by requiring schools to provide separate bathroom, shower and locker room facilities between biological boys and biological girls. Right now, two of the largest school districts in the state, Minneapolis and St. Paul, have already adopted policies that put students at great risk allowing students to “self-select” a private facility.
In the secret negotiations of the legislative leaders, deals are cut. Some provisions are negotiable. Others are non-negotiable. In the grand scheme of things, Speaker Daudt and the GOP majority must decide what provisions they will defend in exchange for what they will give up.
Here’s the MNCPL email: [gview file=”http://thecolu.mn/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Gmail-Fwd_-Cutting-The-Deals-Behind-Closed-Doors.pdf”]
Minnesota Family Council in an email to supporters on Thursday wrote:
It’s alarming how quickly the lie that one’s sex has nothing to do with biology is spreading.
In the push for “sexual freedom,” activists insisted that redefining marriage was necessary for “equal rights.” Many of you joined us in warning that this would be only the beginning–and that religious freedom rights would be in danger.
Sure enough, the push for “equal rights” for polygamous relationships followed in no time, and the list of Christian owners sued or facing fines from the government for simply believing that marriage is the union of one man and one woman grows regularly.
Now we’re being sold another false bill of goods: “A man who identifies himself as a woman is really a woman (just ignore biology), so therefore he should get to do everything a woman does and access every facility a woman does.”
That’s the End Game: destroy all recognition of any differences, including biological, between the two sexes God created and deemed “good.” Sex can mean whatever any and every individual wants it to mean. The implications for our laws and culture are staggering.
But this shouldn’t come as a surprise–it’s nothing new. When you forget Who created the gift of sex and the two distinct sexes (BOTH made in His image) in the first place, you begin to worship the created things rather than the Creator Himself.
The email asks supporters to contact members of the K-12 education conference committee.
Here’s the Minnesota Family Council email: [gview file=”http://thecolu.mn/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Gmail-Andy-if-you-only-had-5-days-left..pdf”]
When I think of the “pits of hell,” I think of places where members of the Child Protection League hatch their fear-mongering hysteria. Maybe they’d chill out and get a life, if they didn’t make such a good living stirring up fear and hatred.
Apparently inciting suicide and traumatizing trans kids is ok in CPL’s book. “Minnesota Nice” for you.
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