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As Bluestem has pointed out in Tim Miller’s anti-trans-inclusive bill is all about the bathrooms, he tells Christian talk radio, legislation aimed at reversing a new transgender-inclusive policy set by the Minnesota State High School League isn’t about protecting children.
It’s about legislators bullying the high school league and the kids.
We not alone in calling out the potty patrol. The editors of the Sartell Newsleaders write in Legislators should butt out of transgender policies in schools:
The MSHSL courageously defied loud opponents of the policy, rejecting alarmist accusations the policy would have boys and girls showering together and some boys would pretend to be transgender so they could ogle girls at close quarters. Ridiculous. They’re using variations of the same fear tactics used in the same-sex-marriage debate – that allowing it would spell the end of marriage as a cherished institution.
Opponents of the policy also claimed the ruling would take away freedom of choice from schools. What about the freedom of choice of transgender students?
Then, of course, the old argument was trotted out again – whether people choose their sexuality or whether it’s a genetic factor. Virtually all psychologists have determined sexuality is not the result of a decision, but even if it were, so what? Americans, we are constantly reminded, can choose who they want to be in this great, free country.
The 20 or so Republican legislators and their supporters who oppose the MSHSL policy are resorting to the same alarmist tactics mentioned above. They are even daring to claim the new policy is harmful to transgender students because it will cause them to be bullied. As if they aren’t now, including by some ignorant state legislators.
Read the rest at the paper.
The editorial isn’t the first retort from the St. Cloud area. Earlier a St. Cloud Times columnist suggested that boredom was at the heart of Rep. Tim Miller’s anti-transgender bill.
So far, the legislation hasn’t received a committee hearing in either chamber and is unlikely to pass.
However, it’s possible that the bunch who last week refused to suspend the rules of the House to make sure that long-term care for the disabled and home care were adequately funded might well decide to suspend the rules so they can put bullying transgender children up for debate.
Photo: At the MSHSL meeting where the board adopted a transgender-inclusive policy.
The religious right has taken over the GOP and the TEA party. If I would be ashamed of trying to pass legislation targeting transgender children. Instead of using the word GOP or TEA party I’m going to use a new name the PEE Party. A much more accurate word for this hate group.
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