Home blog Congressional candidate in southern Minnesota jokes about gays

Congressional candidate in southern Minnesota jokes about gays


The Minnesota Independent’s Paul Schmelzer reports that Republican candidate Jim Hagedorn, who is challenging Rep. Tim Walz, scrubbed his blog of a rambling screed against the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Lawrence v. Texas which outlawed sodomy laws.

Among the “jokes,” Hagedorn says the Supreme Court decision “injudiciously fisted two hundred and twenty-seven years of the Republic’s mores into the bowels of cultural debauchery.”

And that’s not all:

Never was it imagined the nation’s highest judicial body would entertain such an open-n-shut case and then have the cheek to permit the guilty to come from behind and pull one out of their rears, to use a sports metaphor. Even though the defendant’s line-of-reasoning gave new meaning to the term “oral argument,” the ins-and-outs of the judicial process were exposed as penetratingly confounding. The case confirmed to experts and laymen alike that the “Law Is A Ass,” or as the legal letches of MANBLA now whisper to fresh meat: ass IS the law.

Butt (sic) never have winners lost so dearly. The Court’s voyage into uncharted, untreated cultural bathhouse waters was designed to offer a gentle push from behind…to generate a small skip forward for the pink triangle class…to throw them a bone, so to speak.

Hagedorn didn’t respond to the Minnesota Independent for comment on the blog post.

Walz, who is in his second term in the district, has been a supporter of LGBT issues including hate crimes legislation and an end to the military’s discriminatory Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy.