Tabatha Coffey, the no-nonsense reality television host of Tabatha Takes Over, will be at the Mall of America on Saturday to sign copies of her new book, OWN IT! Be the Boss of Your Life—at Home and in the Workplace.
Coffey’s Tabatha Takes Over on the Bravo network takes viewers through the process of taking failing businesses (usually hair salons, but she’s also done everything from gay bars to pet grooming shops) and rebuilding them through changes in management and interior design. Coffey “took over” two Minneapolis salons in 2012: H Design, which has since closed, and Jungle Red which remains open.
Coffey has spoken openly of being a member of the LGBT community, especially in recent seasons of the show. She’s been out for more than 20 years and with her partner for 16 years. She talked about coming out over and over again in an interview at the GLAAD awards a few years ago.
Fans can meet Coffey on Saturday, April 19 at 2pm the Macy’s Court at the Mall of America.