WCCO reports that anti-gay hate messages inculding swastikas have been reported for the seventh time since January and it’s the third time in several weeks. This comes at a time when more messages promoting hate against certain groups is on the rise at the U of MN. According to the Minnesota Daily:
“The incident is another in a growing number of reported hate or �bias crimes� � those motivated by bias against another group. There were no bias crimes reported in 2003, but there were five in 2004 and the Centennial Hall graffiti marks the sixth report this year.”
And I’m sure it has nothing to do with the anti-gay culture that Michele Bachmann, and her aleged election-law violators at EdWatch are trying to create in Minnesota. Or nothing to do with aleged campaign-finance violators, Focus on the Family, whose main mission on Earth is to destroy the ‘homosexual agenda.’ /sarcasm