Home blog Third group of Lutherans reject anti-gay marriage amendment

Third group of Lutherans reject anti-gay marriage amendment


The Southeastern Minnesota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America voted on Friday to oppose the proposed amendment to the Minnesota Constitution that would limit marriage to heterosexual couples only. It joins the Minneapolis and Northeastern synods in opposing the amendment. The St. Paul area synod is expected to take up the issue later this month.

The resolution states: “The ELCA will support familiar relationships as central to nurturing and sustaining trust and security in human relationships. It will advocate for public policies that support and protect families. This church commits itself to continued attention to and discernment about changing family configurations and the ways they serve to shelter and protect relationships of mutual trust.”

It also suggests that churches get actively involved in opposing the amendment.

Minnesotans United for All Families praised the vote.

“We are overjoyed to see the momentum continue to build in faith communities across Minnesota. Just as faith guides many daily decisions for Minnesotans, we are seeing people continue to turn to their faith to guide them in their decision to vote no on this hurtful amendment. The Southeastern Minnesota Synod understands that this amendment would limit the freedom to marry, as well as limit the freedom of religious institutions to choose who they should and should not marry. As more and more Minnesotans from all walks of life affirm that marriage is about love, commitment and responsibility, we are confident that united, we will defeat this freedom-limiting amendment in November.”